My lovely bride, Kendra and I are in Albany, NY to serve the Day of Mourning gathering. As the battle rages, keep your eye on the prize.

Yes, this is day of mourning. It is a day of moral outrage. It is a day of warning. We are in deep trouble with the Almighty. We have as a nation committed child sacrifice. We have paraded our sin like Sodom. We have polluted and defiled our land with the blood of our own sons and daughters and we stagger under the weight of blood guiltiness. And make no mistake about it, we are experiencing the just judgment of our Holy and righteous God upon our collective heads.

Thus, it is also a day for us to fast, pray and repent to change our course as a people and a nation. God help us to meet the conditions set forth in His Word that He might hear from Heaven, forgive our many sins and abomination, and cleanse and heal our blood stained perverted land in Jesus’ name!