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2002 Articles Part 2

 2002 Articles Part 2
July - December

First Domino Falls! Judge Finds PP Negligent on 13-Year Old Girl
By Pastor Stephen Mashburn
Posted December 30, 2002
The first domino in the Planned Parenthood - National Abortion Federation child rape & enabling scheme fell in Phoenix, Arizona. The irrefutable evidence obtained through research by Life Dynamics into the pedophile/rape cover-up by the nation's largest abortion racket is being proven in a court of law. A Phoenix judge has found Planned Parenthood guilty of negligence in failing to report an abortion on a 13-year old girl in foster care to Child Protective Services.

The 30th Memorial of Roe v. Wade
By the Rev. Flip Benham
On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, we will be mourning 30 years of "legalized" child-killing in America. Over 45 million children slaughtered by a lie called "choice." For many, this will be a great day of rejoicing. It will be one where they will parade "our national sin" arrogantly in Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood, NOW, NAF, NARAL, ad nauseam, are gearing up for a spectacular 30th anniversary of bloodshed in our nation's capital. They can't wait to frame the argument as a woman's rights issue - totally eclipsing the rights of small children in the womb. We must not let them get away with it!

Dear friends of Be'ad Chaim
Posted December 27, 2002
Below is an email Flip received from our pro-life brothers and sisters in Israel, along with his response. Let us join with our brothers and sisters in Israel to petition the Father on their behalf. The work they have been given is difficult, yet they have been faithful to proclaim the Gospel to a people unwilling to receive it. Stay strong and be of good courage, Marvin. The Lord is on your side.

National Right To Life Violates the Word of God (Again)
By Steve Lefemine
Posted December 26, 2002
Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) is definitely NOT Pro-Life, by the confession of his own mouth, as demonstrated in the statement from the Washington, DC-based National Right to Life Committee above. Frist is no more Pro-Life, than it would be for someone to have claimed to be Pro-Abolition, and yet support keeping certain categories of African-Americans in the bondage of slavery; or for someone to have claimed to be pro-Jew, and yet support allowing certain categories of Jews to be exterminated in the Nazi gas chambers.

No More Backing Up
By Kristene O'Dell
December 23. 2002 (posted December 25)
For those of you who were at the event in Dallas this summer, you may remember Dr. Stella Kwong's office in Garland. A few months before the event, we found out that Dr. Kwong does abortions in her family practice office in the Garland suburb of Dallas. Becky Puckett, Dorrie Rayburn, Brenda Spurlock, myself, and our children go to Dr. Kwong's on Fridays. ...
Through tears, we told the officers that precious children were dying in that office. They are the Lord's children and someone has to speak up for them. We looked at both of the officers and told them we were not moving. Give us a citation, have us arrested, do whatever you need to do - but we are not moving. ... I say all of that to say this. I witnessed something else that week. I watched that pathetic Donahue show. It seemed to me that Phil had stirred the audience up before the show had ever started. The all out attack on Christianity made me fighting mad, but the response from most of the audience threw me for a loop.

By Marilyn Carroll - CT
December 23. 2002 (updated December 27)
We had another interesting day out at the killing center. The clinic lot attendant/amateur guard was arrested (I think it was for disturbing the peace). From what I saw he was complaining about prolifers holding signs near the fence, saying not to touch the fence and that they were preventing the mill from doing their business. He then was arguing with the Officer and talking junk to our kids and as he tried to provoke prolifers. At one point he told the policeman he should "go to church with us" and he called my granddaughter a "churchgirl" in a derogatory manner. It is obvious that the abortion providers hate the Jesus in us. Daryl was getting rowdy with Officer Woods and would not comply so other police help was called in. He was arrested and taken away to jail. This is the same guard that spit in my face and hair. Stan Scott and Bob D. also said this man stole prolife signs from them in the past.

Emails to Mr. D.
December 19. 2002
Here are two of the emails that were sent to Phil Donahue after his show "Do Jews Go to Heaven" aired. It would have been better titled "Why are you Christians so Bigoted and Mean." We encourage you to love Mr. Donahue this Christmas season by emailing him and telling him the Truth. Jesus has come to give Mr. Donahue life and have it more abundantly.

Phil Donahue Live - The Battle Between Two Seeds
By the Rev. Flip Benham
December 18. 2002

 Phil Donahue: "Do you have to be a Christian to get to heaven?" That was the title of the live, nationally broadcast, TV show done last night, Tuesday, December 17, 2002, in New York City. It would have been better titled, "Elijah m
eets the Prophets of Baal!

Christians Respond to Flip about Phil Donahue Show
December 18. 2002
Below are email responses from Flip's appearance on Phil Donahue, Dec.17, 2002. We want to share them with you as encouragement. We believe it is imperative that we speak boldly, clearly, and precisely the words of Jesus to this lost and dying generation. Make no mistake - it is a hostile time to preach the Gospel! Please, preach it with everything you've got! Jesus will help you! ...

Phil Donahue Live - The Battle Between Two Seeds
By the Rev. Flip Benham
December 18. 2002

 Phil Donahue: "Do you have to be a Christian to get to heaven?" That was the title of the live, nationally broadcast, TV show done last night, Tuesday, December 17, 2002, in New York City. It would have been better titled, "Elijah m
eets the Prophets of Baal!

Shameful Decision
December 18. 2002 (updated December 25)
"Wow . . . a law with a whole $500 fine! A law with this kind of teeth in it is really going to force physicians who are earning $500,000 plus per year to obey. I would suggest this law needs as a punishment the loss of the physician's license to practice. How could a law with such a wimpy penalty ever hope to provide protection to minors for sexual abuse?" - RC - News from CT...

Going to the Church in Cleveland
By Mary Ellen Urmin

December 18. 2002
We took the large graphic signs to the doors of the Church for not only is Scripture clear that God is looking for His people to repent (II Chron 7:14), but also says judgment begins with the House of God. ... "We responded and we worshipped with our brothers and sisters-we knew their welcome. The Pastor began to preach the Word and declared he had much to preach on, but was struck by the Pro-Lifers in front of the Church. He said if we had all remained in front of the Church, he would have exhorted his congregation to join hands with us to block the street in front of the Church to bring Truth to all the neighborhood!!! ..."

Bush Administration Sides With NOW
By the Rev. Flip Benham
December 15. 2002
We were shocked when Solicitor General, Theodore Olson of the Bush administration said that demonstrators could be sued for blocking abortion mills and that, "The First Amendment is not an issue in this case." This was simply the pragmatic President Bush, in another attempt to "reach across the aisle," throwing Christians to the lions.

God gave us an early Christmas Present in our Nation's Capitol
By Kristene O'Dell
December 10. 2002 (New update)
In spite of an antagonistic White House, God's hand was evident as the justices grappled with this case and began to lay the predicate that, what gentle Christians do outside of abortion mills is not racketeering but protected under the First Amendment. Be encouraged saints. This battle is being won on more venues than you and I will ever know.

December 10, 2002 (New, revised and updated)
These startling statistics are well beneath the radar of Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, and Dan Rather, but they should be greatly encouraging for those of us standing for life. As you will see, the battle for the lives of little baby boys and girls in their mother's wombs is being won as gentle Christians are living out their faith in the streets of their cities. That's right! During the administration of the most pro-abortion President our nation has ever had, the number of abortions performed in America, the number of abortion mills, the number of doctors performing abortions plummeted dramatically. William Jefferson Clinton did everything in his power, but build an abortion mill in the West Wing of the White House, to aid and abet the abortion industry. Still, the numbers plummeted and they are plummeting today! How can this be?

Ronald C. Coddington Responds to CT Post's Michael P. Mayko
December 10, 2002
Open letter regarding "Abortion protester going back to court"
Read your piece reporting the legal charges against Mr. Stanley Scott. With no exaggeration, I find this entire scenario quite fascinating. Mr. Scott is a slender balding old man. His most egregious offenses include calling out to pregnant women and their male companions to have compassion on their unborn children. And he often displays graphic but accurate photos of aborted children. That's it! Mr. Scott is a paradigm of free speech and accuracy in reporting. And Mr. Scott is about as dangerous to this community as six inch surf on the beach at Seaside Park. When one considers that this country has legalized abortion through the entire nine months of pregnancy and that 40 million American kids have been destroyed since that infamous Supreme Court decision, Stan's "crimes" seem pretty small...

Tearing Down the Altars of Baal
December 9. 2002
Below is email communication between Marilyn Carroll, Flip, and Father Francis McClowskey in Saratoga Springs, NY. Operation Save America will be joining Father McClowskey in August, 2003, to hold a regional event. You are all invited!

Another Government Attempt to Silence the Gospel of Christ
December 9, 2002
Marilyn Carroll, a faithful Christian servant whose loving and peaceful ministry at the "Summit Women's Center" in Bridgeport, CT has helped over 1,000 women find a choice both they and their babies could live with alerted us to this news article. Every day the mill is open, this small ministry lives out the Gospel of Christ in word and deed. Through the Body of Christ, they help find homes, jobs, provisions for children for these women who mistakenly thought they had no alternative but to kill their unborn baby by abortion without any idea of the terrible consequences. The government working "hand in glove" with the abortion industry wants to keep women ignorant of truthful information, ignorant of Jesus Christ, childless and suffering physical & emotional lifelong traumas as long as they will keep forking over cash to the abortion industry to have their babies murdered. The only impediment to this evil partnership is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ becoming biography in the streets through gentle Christians such as these. The timing screams out censorship of free speech, the Gospel in particular.

"Rhema Pastor Expelled for Pro-Life Activism"
Rhema leaders had warned him 'not to go to any abortion clinic ever'
December 4. 2002
Mark Holick had his ordination revoked this summer by the Tulsa, Okla.-based Rhema Ministerial Association International (RMAI), which has more than 23,000 graduates and 13 schools worldwide. For the last two years, Holick, who along with his wife, Monica, pastors 300-member Spirit One Christian Center, has joined other Wichita pastors in protesting the abortion clinic of local Dr. George Tiller, called "the most infamous late-term abortionist in the world" by the Christian pro-life group Operation Save America. (Pastor Mark Holick comments after article)

December 4, 2002
.The National Director of Operation Rescue, Rev. Flip Benham, will be in Washington, D.C. this morning to speak from the steps of the Supreme Court. Operation Rescue is a co-defendant with Joe Scheidler in the NOW v. Scheidler case being heard in the Supreme Court today. ... THE HEART OF OUR NATION IS CHANGING! What the Abortion Statistics are Saying: "Christians winning!" - What the Abortion Industry is Saying: "We are losing!" )

Randall Terry - an Unscrupulous Pitch
December 2. 2002
Many of you have called concerning a letter being distributed concerning Randall Terry. This letter is being endorsed by influential men of God. We feel it is important for you to know the truth. Randall has been used greatly by our Lord Jesus. We love him deeply. He is in trouble, but finances are the least of his worries. Let us all pray that he will return wholeheartedly to the One who dug Randall and each one of us out of the miry pit. Below is email communication between Steve Lefemine and Flip. It also includes the letter that is being distributed concerning Randall.

Evil Cloaked in Normalcy
By the Rev. Mike Warren Rescue Rochester
It sits on a busy city street in an upscale business district surrounded by other office complexes with an inviting shopping center just down the road. Across the street are a fancy retirement community, an old farmhouse and a portion of woods. A nearby neighbor is a seeker friendly church and a daycare center and a well know restaurant and bar. The building itself is new modern and inviting. It has an English Tudor décor with ample parking and beautifully landscaped grounds that are meticulously maintained. There is never any trash found in the parking lot and the snow is always plowed from the parking spaces and the walk always shoveled to make access easy and "safe." But if one looks carefully or watched any of the news shows one would see that it is a different type of building.

Judge rules that proclaimers may demonstrate outside of abortionist’s ob/gyn office in Granite City, IL.
November 24, 2002
Angela in Action
Angela in Action
By Angela Michael
We know that Christ spoiled the powers and principalities of darkness 2000 years ago on a hill at Calvary, on an old rugged cross. But that Victory is fleshed out in various sundry, and diverse ways throughout history, from the fall of Goliath to the fall of the Berlin Wall, from the collapse of Babylon to the collapse of chattel slavery in America.

October 17, 2002
By the Rev. Flip Benham
There is a holiday that is rapidly being removed from our collective memory in America. It is sandwiched between Halloween and Winter Break (dare we say Christmas?). The reason for its purposeful removal from the American memory is that Thanksgiving, more than any other American holiday, reminds us of the gracious hand of Almighty God providentially establishing our nation to be a "city set on a hill." It was God Himself who guided our Pilgrim forefathers, whose hearts were set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to this land. It reminds us that this was a land preserved for those to whom the Bible was an open book. Yes, Thanksgiving reminds us that America was providentially preserved for a people who were governed internally and externally by the Gospel of Christ. It was preserved for a people who would be a light into the world and proclaim that there is another King, one called Jesus.

Prayer for a "Small Victory" is Answered in a Big Way
November, 23, 2002
"It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24
The powerful witness for Christ that Daniel & Angela Michaels gave in their testimony in their trial on November 15th and 18th did not go unnoticed. God heard their cries unto Him on behalf of the innocent unborn baby boys and girls and He heard our prayers also. Before we were able to post a specific prayer request article (see Pray for a "Small Victory" for the Michaels - below) on our web site, the news came in on the judge's ruling late Friday. "Judge rules that protesters may demonstrate outside of doctor's office in Granite City"

Pray for "Small Victory" for the Michaels in Granite City, IL
November, 22, 2002
Daniel and Angela Michael represented their Lord so powerfully on the witness stand during their hearing on the 15th and 18th of November. They repeatedly expressed their love for Yogendra Shah and their desire for him to receive Christ. They pleaded for him to take the wonderful talents and abilities God had given him to bring health rather than death. Clearly this suit is all about the censoring of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Can one share the Gospel outside of an abortionist's office or is that speech to be censored. Remember, Daniel and Angela were on a public sidewalk in front of Mr. Shah's office simply stating the truth that, Mr. Shah not only delivers babies, he also kills them. They interfered with no one. They yelled at no one. They did share the Gospel with several.

Who could end up with more innocent blood on their hands - Bernard Slepian or James Kopp?
November, 22, 2002
By Pastor Stephen Mashburn
James Kopp might have helped send Bernard Slepian to Hell by murdering him as he was on the verge of turning pro-life and quite possibly accepting Jesus as Lord. Slepian was to speak to the Buffalo area Pro-Life Clergy Council the day after his murder. Slepian had been meeting regularly with Pastor Bob Behn shortly before his murder. It doesn't matter what James Kopp SAYS - he murdered Slepian in cold blood thus premeditated since he used lethal force and killed Slepian, and possibly much worse as the second death lasts for eternity.

James Kopp Became What He Abhorred
November 20, 2002
Rescue Rochester
"James Kopp's cold-blooded murder of abortionist Bart Slepian was and is an act of grave betrayal. Mr. Kopp has betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Christ, and the pro-life cause," said Rev. Mike Warren Director of Rescue Rochester. Warren went on, "Murder is never justifiable and Mr. Kopp became what he abhorred. A person by act of his own will choosing to end the life of another human being by an act of cruel violence."

November 20, 2002
Last Call Ministries and Operation Save America Buffalo has always denounced the violence associated with the abortion industry INCLUDING any violent means to end abortion. We have always supported peaceful, non-violent activism working towards the ultimate goal of ending the slaughter of millions of innocent children and the exploitation of women.

November 20, 2002
Operation Rescue / Operation Save America
James Kopp has today publicly confessed the fact that he premeditatedly murdered Abortionist Barnett Slepian. On November 6, 1998 Chet Gallagher and I held a press conference outside an abortion mill in Dallas, Texas, asking James Kopp to surrender himself to authorities. We asked that he do this for the sake of the Pro-life Movement, the unborn children, and the Lord he proclaimed to serve. Mr. Kopp chose to go into hiding for almost three years. He has betrayed the Pro-life Movement, the unborn children, and Jesus Himself.

A Question of Higher Law
Flip Benham answers Email Question
November, 20, 2002
We received this email from a lady in Granite City. Illinois. She is searching out answers to a legitimate question concerning this battle we have entered into. We thought it important to share it with you.
"Flip, Thank you for coming to the Hope(less) Clinic last Saturday. I was one of the saints on the streets and in the audience at Faith Lutheran. Here's a question for you. Why, when the security guard and Granite City police asked you to move off the curb, you would not? If property rights are not an issue we could plant ourselves on the parking lot."

"Church's 'hell house' features shocking attempt to save souls"
Lubbock, TX Newspaper article & letters to Editor
November, 8, 2002
This article was sent to us by Dorothy Boyett. Dorothy is a faithful warrior in Lubbock, TX. The different views of evangelism in this article go from one extreme to another, but what I found most interesting was the Letter to the Editor that follows the article. In it this "son of a minister" makes a comparison between Dr. Jerry Falwell and the abominable Fred Phelps. Are we saying that anyone who would say that God is a judge is grouped in with the likes of Fred Phelps?

A Message from Flip in Israel
November, 8, 2002
If Israel had the same population as the United States they would be killing 2.7 million children per year. In the US today, we are killing approximately 1.1 million per year. More dangerous than any enemy from the outside, more violent than any militant Islamic terrorism, Israel has been a terror to herself. She is eating herself as she sheds the blood of her innocent children. Her land is full of blood.

Report on "Word In Warfare - Gates of Hell Come Down!"
November, 3, 2002
Here is Pastor Chet's report on "Word in Warfare - Gates of Hell Come Down!" We are looking for reports from all who participated. I have heard rumors of someone being threatened arrest in Missouri and I know the Palm Bay, Florida group "gave them heaven" all over the city. Write your report and let us know. Keep shining for Jesus! - OSA

Word in Warfare Ministries Strategy for the Halloween Exploit
"The Gates of Hell Come Down!"

October, 2002
Operation Save America is joining in with Word and Warfare this October 31 (Reformation Day). This is the very day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door in Wittenburg. Christians across the country will be bringing the gospel of Christ to our local high schools (or as Martin Luther called them - the great gates of hell). Below is all the information that you will need to join with us.

The 30th Memorial of Roe v. Wade
October 31, 2002
By the Rev. Flip Benham
On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, we will be mourning 30 years of "legalized" child-killing in America. Over 45 million children slaughtered by a lie called "choice." For many, this will be a great day of rejoicing. It will be one where they will parade "our national sin" arrogantly in Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood, NOW, NAF, NARAL, ad nauseam, are gearing up for a spectacular 30th anniversary of bloodshed in our nation's capital. They can't wait to frame the argument as a woman's rights issue - totally eclipsing the rights of small children in the womb. We must not let them get away with it!

Flip and leaders to go to Israel (October 31 - November 14) Please Pray!
October 30, 2002
They will spend several days on Mt. Carmel where Elijah called fire down from heaven and slaughtered the 450 prophets of Baal. He asked God's people one simple question, "How long will you waiver between two opinions?" 1 Kings 18:21. When He asked this question the people spoke nary a word. They kept silent because they did not want to alienate or offend any god that might have a say. Elijah forced the issue, "If the Lord is God, follow Him. If Baal is God, follow him." 1 Kings 18:21. You are going to have to choose. By the way, the name ELIJAH means, "the Lord is God."

Exposing the Village it Takes Tiller to Kill a Child
An Account From Wichita, KS

October 29, 2002
Pastor Stephen Mashburn reporting
OSA-Wichita Pickets the Exploration Place Over Its Acceptance of Funding by Abortionist George Tiller.
Within the first hour at least 7 families decided to leave without entering. One family traveling from Nebraska saw the signs and literature on Exploration Place accepting blood money from a local abortionist. Their response was: "We don't support this at all!" The family left without going in. Likewise 2 families from Missouri left without going in after making similar statements.

October 29, 2002
God will certainly hold accountable nations and leaders who have entered into covenant with Him. Just because a nation may conveniently forget about a covenant made long ago, does not mean that God has forgotten or that He will perhaps over look it. Even if the United States has forgotten her covenant with God, she is still obligated under God to maintain the national covenant made by our Pilgrim Forefathers.

Unholy Alliance City of Waco and Planned Parenthood
October 28, 2002
The essence of the press conference will deal with our objection to the city of Waco for granting Planned Parenthood's private library the status of a fully functional branch of the McLennan County Library system. The legal, political, financial, and moral aspects of this contractual agreement will be addressed.

Dear Operation Rescue: A Plea for Forgiveness
October 22, 2002
Dear Operation Rescue, My name is David Allman. I am a former (retired) Sergeant of the Pittsburgh Police. For many years, I worked off duty at the abortion clinic in East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa. in the 80's and 90's. (I am the Sergeant pictured in Randall's book, Operation Rescue in the chapter "Who is the Enemy?"). I had forgotten all these years of my duty there and what I did to enable women to kill their unborn children.

October 24, 2002
Statement concerning sniper(s) shootings by Rev Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, given to pastors in Wichita, Kansas, October 24, 2002.

Rescued in Bridgeport, CT
October 19, 2002
Report by Marilyn Carroll
Today, a young lady, eighteen years old, came running to me crying, with a teddy bear in her arms. She said her dad, her mom and her boyfriend were trying to force her to have an abortion that she did not want. The graphic pictures helped convince her more to not abort. We talked to the mom, the boyfriend, and the young mom for quite a while. We even got to show her one of the babies that was saved. (Alma came with Christina to visit us.)

George Tiller Does it Again
October 19, 2002
By Pastor Stephen Mashburn
Friday morning abortionist George Tiller got sloppy and botched yet another abortion, just 1 week after his last botched abortion. The murder of children is not natural and exacts a high price on mothers. Last week the ambulance turned off its lights and siren before getting near the mill.

Largest Christian Radio Station in St. Louis Calling Saints to Battle
October 19, 2002
By the Rev. Flip Benham
What would happen if Christian radio stations all over this nation were to begin the top of their news hour with a report that goes something like this: "Our lead story - there were thirty-six people killed in Granite City yesterday … at the Hope(less) Abortion mill." That is exactly how Tim & Al open their news broadcast on KJSL! Folks all over St. Louis are gasping because they are thinking of terrorist attacks engulfing us as a nation. And that is exactly what abortion is - a terrorist attack on a small defenseless child.

Rescue in Buffalo, NY
October 18, 2002
By the Rev. Robert Behn
While on our regular service to our Lord Jesus Christ at 2500 Main Street Buffalo GYN Womenservices ("Local Slaughter House") of Buffalo New York. The following incident accrued which we feel is necessary to report to all. Somewhere about 9:00 AM a group of individuals entered the clinic to sit in and protest the killing of little children and the injustice of the judicial system here in WNY. (See accompanying PRESS RELEASE link inside.)

SEX SCANDAL HITS TEXAS Undercover Tapes Being Released to Texas Media
October 17, 2002
During a recent nationwide undercover sting operation, Texas family planning clinics were caught on tape covering up what they believed was the statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Life Dynamics Incorporated of Denton, Texas recorded over 800 calls made to Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation facilities across America, including 67 in Texas. The female caller portrayed a 13-year-old girl who was pregnant by an adult and wanted an abortion in order to hide the illegal sexual relationship from her parents and the authorities.

October 17, 2002
By the Rev. Flip Benham
On There is a holiday that is rapidly being removed from our collective memory in America. It is sandwiched between Halloween and Winter Break (dare we say Christmas?). The reason for its purposeful removal from the American memory is that Thanksgiving, more than any other American holiday, reminds us of the gracious hand of Almighty God providentially establishing our nation to be a "city set on a hill." It was God Himself who guided our Pilgrim forefathers, whose hearts were set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to this land. It reminds us that this was a land preserved for those to whom the Bible was an open book. Yes, Thanksgiving reminds us that America was providentially preserved for a people who were governed internally and externally by the Gospel of Christ. It was preserved for a people who would be a light into the world and proclaim that there is another King, one called Jesus.

Pastor of Largest Homosexual "Church" Responds to Gospel Plea
October 15, 2002
On October 2, 2002, Neil Sandlin emailed Michael Piazza, the pastor of Cathedral of Hope (Despair) in a genuine effort to reach out to him and his congregation. The Cathedral of Hope is the largest homosexual congregation in the nation. Neil has been faithful to bring the true Gospel of Christ to the youth at this "church" every Tuesday night with OSA - Dallas. Below is Neil's email and the response from Mr. Piazza, followed by encouragement from Flip. Keep shining for Jesus, Neil! You are a blessing to us and to the Lord!

October 11, 2002
Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, workplaces, and streets. We have sown bloodshed in the womb and are reaping its horrible harvest. Obviously, airplanes crashing into buildings did not capture our attention. Kids killing kids in our nation's schools did not capture our attention. Perhaps now, snipers killing people at whim in the streets will capture our attention. When will it all end? Only when we stop the killing of the most innocent among us-the pre-born child.

15 Year Sentence Wanted for Child Predator
Published October 11, 2002
Connecticut Post Article: last updated October 9, 2002
BRIDGEPORT - Resigned to the evidence against him, 75-year-old Jimmie Kave pleaded guilty Tuesday to fathering a child with a 10-year-old girl. "I molested a small child," the grizzled Kave admitted in Superior Court. ...However when his case came to court, Kave's lawyer, Assistant Public Defender Miles Gerety, questioned whether his client was actually the father of the girl's baby. DNA test results revealed last week show that Kave is indeed the baby's father.

Exposed - Connecticut Pedophile Cover-up
Published October 5, 2002
Article and Editorial
Two Bridgeport doctors Shah, and Lule did not report the sexual abuse of a ten year old girl to authorities. Instead they referred her to the Summit Women's Center for an abortion. She went to the Summit in March of 2002 and they failed to report the abuse of a very young minor to authorities, also. - Marilyn Carroll

Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto merits praise for refusing to summarily dismiss charges against two Bridgeport doctors for failing to report to authorities the possible abuse of a pregnant 11-year-old girl.

"Connecticut Abortion Clinic Under Investigation"

April 26, 2002
In a groundbreaking move, two Bridgeport doctors were arrested for failing to report the molestation to the police after they had examined the girl and administered the pregnancy test. They were charged with failure to report abuse or neglect of a minor to police. The physicians referred the now 6 month pregnant girl to the abortion clinic, who also failed to report the i

Pro Kan Do Pac - Tiller's Letter
George Tiller - Hit-Man specializing in babies up to birth
Published October 4, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham
This is George ( the Killer) Tiller's fundraising letter. He is running scared. He is fearful that his mill is about ready to be shut down. The exorbitant amount of money he has been willing to personally give to his "cause" of killing innocent little children gives evidence of his totally depraved persona...

Amazon.com Offers "Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers
Published October 3, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham
We received an email from John in Virginia. He included Dr. Jerry Falwell's press release in his email. The following is Flip's response to John, the email from Amazon.com, and the actual press release. - "... Would Amazon.com censor a book advocating the various ways to lure a homosexual into a car to kill him? Would it censor of a book entitled "The 99 Ways to Lynch a Black Man?" Would it censor a book demonstrating the best way to blow-up an abortion mill or shoot an abortionist? ...

Out and About in Lynchburg, VA
Published October 3, 2002
Rev. Flip Benham
Encouraging words to the Church of Lynchburg, VA
(as Soulforce Inc. announces first ever "gay pride" festival in Lynchburg Oct. 26.)
It is very telling that the enemy never ceases his incremental push to bring sin into a human heart and into a nation. He always works incrementally, witness his first assault on God's children in the garden, "Did God really say?" We win a different way. We stand uncompromisingly on the Word of God! The reason? The Word of God tells the truth about our sorry estate just as it did when Isaiah saw the Lord. He realized that he was a man of unclean lips and he needed the mercy of Almighty God to make him right!

Homosexuality vs. Christianity
by Rev. Flip Benham
This is what inevitably happens when one attempts to "build bridges" into the enemy's camp. The purity of the Gospel message becomes muddied. Rather than allowing God's Word to stand on its own in the condemnation of sin, we attempt to soften the message to make it more palatable to those it is supposed to convict. In an effort to be nicer than Jesus, we strip the Word of God of its convicting power to turn men from sin, and we allow them to wallow in it, "loving" them all the way to eternal damnation. We call this love, but God calls it hate!

Word in Warfare Ministries Strategy for the Halloween Exploit
"The Gates of Hell Come Down!"

October 3, 2002
Operation Save America is joining in with Word and Warfare this October 31 (Reformation Day). This is the very day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door in Wittenburg. Christians across the country will be bringing the gospel of Christ to our local high schools (or as Martin Luther called them - the great gates of hell). Below is all the information that you will need to join with us.

Operation Rescue Meets Phil Donahue
October 1, 2002
Kristene O'Dell
This man told me that they were going to be speaking about a controversy concerning National Public Radio (NPR) and Christian radio. A preliminary interview with Flip was held and we sent out an e-mail to let the folks know that Flip would be on the Donahue show and to pray for him. I thought it rather strange that they would have Flip on to speak about radio, Christian or not. I realized when I saw the interview why he was on.

"Wall to Wall Jesus?" Flip Benham Says YES Phil Donahue! - And the Nation via MSNBC!
October 1, 2002 (originally written Sept. 26, 2002)
By Pastor Stephen Mashburn

I've been away from the news media in the papers or on the web for 3 days. I did manage to record an appearance by Flip Benham on the Phil Donahue Show Wednesday night at 7 Central on MSNBC. Phil Donahue and MSNBC heard more of the pure gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God than the network has broadcast to date. I mean Flip really gave Phil heaven!
Included in this article is a link here to the complete transcript of the Phil Donahue Show, 9/25/2002, MSNBC. It is after the excerpts & observation!

Responses from the Donahue Interview
October 1, 2002
What is evident from responses to Flip's comments that we are receiving, is that there is an extraordinary hunger right now for Christian leaders who will not cower in the public arena but will speak the truth fearlessly.
Read some letters for yourself!

Dialogue: The Lord Questions Phil Donahue
October 1, 2002
This was sent to us by
Ron Coddington.
We have put this on the web in hopes that Mr. Donahue might read it...

"So Phil Donahue dies and ends up before the God of all Creation at the Great White Throne Judgment at the end of the age. This conversation ensues . . "

Letter to the Editor in Rochester, NY
The "Peaceful Religion" of Islam

September 30, 2002
By Rev.
Michael Warren

"The non judgmentalism with which some of us have allowed ourselves to become infected, and which we wear as a badge of tolerance, functions as an excuse for gross moral irresponsibility. Pretending to raise us above the "common" view, it robs us of the ability to recognize and call things by there proper names."
Quotes, From: William J. Bennett the book Why We Fight pp.54

September 27th, 2002
By Marilyn Carroll
Bridgeport trash collectors found a dead newborn baby girl in the rear of the city garbage truck, yesterday, Sept. 26th. Blood was running from her small body as the scoop began to move. Why are the people of Bridgeport so upset and shocked? This is precisely what happens legally every killing day at the Summit Abortuary on 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport.

They Parade Their Sin Like Sodom
2 guys: 1 wearing a "That Church" T-Shirt referring to the "gay" Cathederal of Hope "church" in Dallas
September 22, 2002
Intro by Flip Benham - Report from OSA-Dallas
(The lewdness there is nowhere near displayed in here)
As we watched this parade of wickedness, we were presented with such a vast display of deceptive worldly philosophies all centered around one thing (and this one thing more than homosexuality), PRIDE. These philosophies then centered around six things God hates (Proverbs 6:16-19).

OSA-Dallas Confronts Texas NOW

September 20, 2002
By John Reyes
Posted September 25, 2002
Stationed along the sidewalk of the Radisson Hotel, 45 saints from all walks of life, white and black, young and old, male and female, stood and prophesied that this blatant disregard for human life and godly womanhood would not go unnoticed by the Church and

Inside NOW
September 20-22, 2002
Brenda Spurlock reporting

Members attending the Texas State NOW Conference didn't quite know what to make of Carole and me. They were adept at quickly scanning the Women Killed by Abortion poster and the religious and prolife literature on our table as they passed by, while appearing not to even notice. A few of the older activists did seem to scowl a little deeper each successive time they passed us. Our table was squarely in front of the primary meeting room so they had to pass by often.

Reality TV vs the Disturbing Nature of the Truth
Posted September 21, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham

What is the aversion to allowing those of us "less enlightened" to see the horrible truth of what happened on 9-11? Why the censorship of events, leaving the impression that everyone lived happily ever after 9-11? Why are the media elite so upset with a sculpture entitled the "Tumbling Woman?"

The Steel Girder Cross of the Twin Towers
Posted September 20, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham

Yes, this cross, more than anything else, symbolizes both God's call and His love for America. He is calling us to repent (turn back) to Him. The one thing that survived the mass of carnage and steel when the towers collapsed was this magnificent, albeit twisted, steel girder cross. It was a sign that when everything falls apart, and the foundations are shaken, we can be sure that God is still on the throne. Because He loves us, wounds us to bring us back to Himself.

Posted September 20, 2002
Reported by Steve Lefemine, 9/18/02
OSA Note - "The most dangerous man in NYC during the 9-11 memorial was not one you might expect. He was a simple Christian man who brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the 16 acre, "Ground Zero" site. We prayed for Steve, that God would use him mightily, as the theology of his Lord became biography in the streets of New York City. He was and is a faithful witness! Though he was frightened, he called our nation to repentance!" -
New Yorkers walked by and stared, they stood and stared, they covered their eyes and walked by, some took tracts and/or news releases, and several expressed their displeasure at the "God Bless America ?" sign...I went back to the edge of Church St. and with the volume turned up to 10 (max), still fumbling a bit, began to introduce and then read the message: - "America, Repent...

Posted September 20, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham

The parallels between Islam and abortion are obvious. Both draw their logic from the devil himself. The logic for abortion goes something like this: "It's my life, my body, and my choice. I do what I want, whenever I want, and my one commandment is - Don't judge me! If I choose to kill my child, leave me alone. I will be as God!"

God's Message to America? - Repent!
September 10, 2002
9-11 was a strong warning from God to America. God Himself is judging our nation! We have expelled Him from school, banished Him from the schoolyard, ripped His Ten Commandments from the walls, killed over 45 million of His children by abortion, and yet we ask God to bless America. Do we think He has lost His mind?

Baby Malachi after an abortionWorld Trade Center Towers about to collapse
             “A man who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will
               suddenly be destroyed without remedy,” Proverbs 29:1.
September 4, 2002
By Rev. Flip Benham
How shall we remember and memorialize 9-11? This has been the burning question media types have been bandying about for months. Will they ever get it right? They missed it the first time, so how can we expect them to get it right now? Oh, they will come up with some moving documentaries, pictures, videos, and testimonies coupled with soft music that will make us all cry. Not a hard thing to do considering the magnitude of this national tragedy. Read More>>

A 'Faithful Fanatic'
September 10, 2002
By Stephen Bennett
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com
Stephen Bennett's column is on WorldNetDaily.com today, 9/10/02, discussing the O'Reilly interview: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=28892
When the cameras began rolling and O'Reilly began speaking, I sensed in my spirit something was not right. From the tone in his voice, I knew this was not going to be at all what was planned. Sure, O'Reilly is sometimes gruff with guests, and that's OK. It's his show. But this had a different feel to it.

The O'Reilly Factor - Tuesday 9/3
September 7, 2002
By Stephen Bennett
As many of you may know I was invited to appear on The O'Reilly Factor on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2002 to discuss my article 'The Gay Spin Zone' - dealing with the media, the promotion of homosexuality and its affects on America's children.

The Pretend Salt of Conservatism Rears its Ugly Head
Encouragement to Stephen Bennett after his interview with Bill O'Reilly
By Rev. Flip Benham
September 6, 2002

Dear Stephen,
My son David and I were praying for you as you met the malicious slanderer of our Lord Jesus in his safe little lair. His conservatism has proved once again that it is the greatest enemy of Christianity. Conservatism is pretend salt. It looks like salt, talks like salt, seeks the vote of salt, hangs around with salt, but when the test of taste is applied; it is revealed for what it really is. A tasteless enabler of perdition!

Stephen Bennett Meets Bill O'Reilly "Factor" - Before and After
September 3, 4, and 6, 2002
by Pastor Stephen Mashburn
This is a 3 part report written the morning before Stephen Bennett appeared on Fox News Channel's"The O'Reilly Factor" September 3 at 8 Eastern/7 Central, the next day after Stephen was Bill O'Reilly's "guest" and a conclusion written a day later on 9/6. For those of you who missed the interview, this article gives the before and after history. Read this and you'll get a start on understanding articles to come.

Reaching Millions
Posted September 4, 2002
Judge's ruling: "If they don't like it, they can turn their heads!"
Because of the courage of a humble saint by the name of Ron Brock, God opened the door to reach over one million people (1,700, 000 in attendance) with the graphic truth of abortion at Michigan's "Dream Cruise" down Woodward Boulevard. Last year, Ron and a few mighty warriors brought his mobile truth truck and entered the parade. Because he dared to bring his truck of truth into the classic car cruise, Ron was arrested. With the help of The Thomas Moore Foundation, Ron successfully defended his right to speak for his Lord and God's children.

Out of the Heart of the Cathedral of Despair
Posted August 29, 2002
“Do you have any idea how bad I’d like to pummel you right now?!... But I’d lose my license for it!”
These were the words spoken by the so-called personal investigator hired by the Cathedral of Hope, the nation’s largest homosexual church. He angrily spat these words into the face of a young man who had proclaimed the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ- that the LORD could set him free from his sin of homosexuality. Through gnashed teeth he growled, “I’d love to see your head on the tip of a sword!”

Bridgeport, CT Street Report - August 20, 23, & 27, 2002
August 20, 2002
Abortion Business Crumbling
One of the moms with a saved baby visited us on-site August 20The national yearly count for abortions has dropped drastically from 1, 500,000 to 1, 000,000 in the past 20 years (C. D. C.) Pro-life brothers and sisters are making a difference. Does prolife activism work? Yes, New statistics released show 500,000 children are being saved each year. We can see the count is getting lower right here in Bridgeport, too. (Click on picture for larger view - Or better yet, read the reports!)

Jericho Mission Street Report Ft. Worth - August 25, 2002
Posted August 29, 2002
"...And I will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children"
Once again Malachi lived up to his name! Last Saturday, a young man drove by the clinic and saw the graphic signs exposing what goes on behind the clinic doors. He drove home, grabbed his child and sobbed. His wife Tanya drove out to the clinic to see for herself what was going on. Tanya told me that her husband was pro-choice, until today. The witness of what happened to the babies, broke his heart, and turned it to his children. When he got home, he ran to hug his baby, and wept openly over him.

Dallas Street Report - August 23, 2002
Posted August 23, 2002
As I peeked through the slats of wood, I noticed five small children peeking back at me. Their childish curiosity was so innocent. All they knew is that they were standing in a parking lot, picking up shiny objects, and playing childish games. As my heart began to tremble, I laid my face back on the gate and prayed that God would rescue those children from the lies of the enemy. I was startled as I felt little hands on my toes. I opened my eyes to see tiny, four year old fingers touching my painted toenails.

The Gospel Invades the City of Dallas
Posted August 20, 2002
Click for larger view
We prayed, we fasted, we prepared, and we believed that God was going to do a mighty work in Dallas, Texas, this summer. He did! When all of you converged in the Name of Jesus Christ to our prosperous, yet very forgetful city, God began to repair the exposed places in the wall. Yes, theology had become biography in the streets of Dallas and, in a city surrounded by huge, evangelical mega-churches (Tony Evans, Chuck Swindoll, T.D. Jakes, Jack Graham, and many others), God raised up an army to storm the gates of hell. Yes, you came in the boldness of Christ, and the devil fled in terror (he knows his time is short). More than thirty babies were saved from a savage death the week you were here. Twenty-two folks were snatched out of the hands of the devil and gave their hearts to Christ. Hundreds of thousands in the Metroplex received the witness that Jesus Christ is Lord and that abortion is murder, homosexuality is sin, and Islam is a lie!

Our Visit to the Homosexual Youth Group
From OSA Dallas www.osadallas.org
Posted August 20, 2002
On Tuesday, July 9, 2002, a group of us became aware that the Cathedral of Hope's youth group was meeting at the youth center of the church. We decided, as concerned Christians, to go and spy out the land! Silence was the best policy because we had no clue what to expect when we entered the building. The building (white with purple doors) had boarded up windows and looked vacant.

Proclaiming the Truth at the Homosexual Gala
From OSA Dallas www.osadallas.org
Posted August 7, 2002

On Saturday, July 17. 2002, a group of us stood outside the International Apparel Mart proclaiming Jesus' Word to the people who attend the 'Cathedral of Despair' (they call it The Cathedral of Hope but unless they repent and turn from their wicked ways nothing hopeful will ever come out of that "church"). They were hosting a cocktail party complete with drag queens for their 32nd anniversary.

Word in Warfare in the Streets of Dallas
Posted July 31, 2002

Four days ago JoAnn and I returned from Dallas, Texas following a week of dynamic, strategic level, spiritual warfare with Operation Save America (OSA). Dozens of men, women youth and even some children, in our team boldly wore black T-shirts with white block letters which read, “Homosexuality is a sin…Islam is a lie…Abortion is murder…

The Yoders' Visit to the Mosque in Dallas
Posted July 31, 2002
Some of the Muslims said to us, "We have never seen Christians like you. You must be real Christians; no one has ever come out here before". One Muslim invited Buck, our 16 year old brother, into the Mosque to get a Qur'an. After Buck got the Qur'an the man left him and Buck was wandering around in there wearing a Christian T-shirt and carrying a Bible. Someone asked him if he was supposed to be there, others asked for tracts, so Buck passed out tracts in the Mosque.

Hitting the Mark in Dallas, Texas
Posted July 30, 2002
The crowds have headed home and the excitement is over. The 2002 Operation Save America National Event has passed. Most of the participants headed back home to finish their own work, while others have remained behind. Those of us that remain sit in awe of the awesome works of God in our city of Dallas, while also in awe of the tremendous amount of work that remains.

Another Arrow Being Launched
Posted July 30, 2002
This was the most powerful ministry event that I have ever been apart of. At one point in the event Flip wanted us all to meet in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood. Some how we all seemed to arrive at the same time and there we were, the body of Christ standing in the parking lot looking at the gates of hell.

National Event Takes Dallas by Storm
Operation Save America stormed the gates of hell in Dallas, Texas this July. Dallas is the city where Roe v. Wade began in 1969. Hundreds of thousands of central Texans were confronted with the horrible truth of what child-killing has done to our nation. Christians from across the nation joined together to allow their theology to become biography in the streets of Dallas and the darkness was pushed back. Many lost in sin gave their hearts to Christ, many mothers chose life for their children, many folks changed their minds about the morality of abortion, and many came to a better understanding of the diabolical relationship that exists between abortion, homosexuality, and Islam.

Church Militant Triumphs in Dallas!
July 19, 2002
"The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle." Ps. 78:9THAT WAS NOT THE CASE TODAY IN DALLAS! The living and active Church of Jesus Christ, armed with the Gospel of King Jesus stormed the gates of hell and watched them tremble before their very eyes!

The 2002 National Event started great!!
Here's some of the pictures and highlights from the event early into it!

Kingdom Leadership Institute Storms the Gates in Dallas, TX!!
The Kingdom Leadership Institute in Dallas was great. The majority of the candidates were under twelve years of age, but they were hungry for every word Rusty spoke. It really seemed to sink in to them even though they didn't understand the full implications of what God's vision for His Last Days Church was. The main highlight of the week was when we wore our new "Intolerant" t-shirts which say, "Intolerant... Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody comes to the father but by me." on the front and, "Homosexuality is sin, Islam is a lie, abortion is murder. Some Issues are just black and white."on the back, to the NEA (National Education Association) national convention.

Come Join Us!
[Includes Slide Show of NEW Wichita Pictures]
This year's national event is approaching like a storm! In less than a week (July 13- 21), saints from all over the land will gather here in Dallas, TX to storm the gates of hell that have ravaged our city. Come join us here in Dallas, TX where abortion began! Here are some new pictures from the Wichita event last year to get you excited about what the Lord is going to do this year!

Promise Keepers - Abortion Not A Gospel Issue
The great declaration we celebrate with picnics, parades and fireworks is etched with words similar to these; we hold these truths to be self evident, that we as men are endowed by our Creator with rights, among these being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Lest we forget, our fathers, the fathers of liberty who signed this Declaration those many years ago, were willing to forsake all to see these liberties established. They pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. In their signature they signed their own death warrant, and often that of their family, if they failed.

The Gospel Proclaimed at the National Education Association!
July 6, 2002
The Church of Jesus Christ cannot sit idly by while the NEA promotes condom pass outs, abortion, homosexuality, and every other imaginable perversity to our kids. So we took the battle to the very gates of hell - the NEA convention!


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