This just in from Coach Dave Daubenmire who is helping Chet Gallagher and the saints in the state of Mississippi to pass, “Initiative 26 (the Personhood Initiative), on November 8, 2011.  This two minute video exposes the true nature of the battle they are fighting.  The diabolical deception, fraud, and large money, the devil is hurling at them are all meant to waylay, detour, and dissuade them from continuing their march to tear down the devil’s stronghold in Mississippi.  God help them to carry on in Jesus’ Name! ~ Flip


Its always exciting when we allow the theology of the Church house to become biography in the streets. 

Click here to read more….Enjoy!   ~ Flip

The folks for Personhood Mississippi are on the move.  With the Gubernatorial candidates from both parties signing on to it, it appear that Mississippi might be the first state in our Union to move into law that a child is a person, no matter how small.  ~ Flip

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.” — I Kings 18:21

Friends of Personhood,  

Nov 8 will be a day of choosing for Mississippi (and by extension, the whole nation) like none other in our history. One one hand, we will be answering one very simple question:

 Does life begin at conception?

That is the ONLY thing that will be on the ballot. Not all these side issues and distractions.

However, on the other hand, we will also be voting on who we are. Who & what we will believe. Will we believe God, science, and common sense or will we continue to believe the Planned Parenthood worldview?

The starkness of this choice is set forth very clearly in a letter I received from Dr John Adams who is a medical doctor and a pastor.

Below is the initial draft of the letter. It is so powerful and timely, that I wanted to share it with you as originally sent. It is aimed at pastors, but it needs to be read by every Mississippi voter – particularly those who claim the Name of Christ.

If you have mid week services tonight, please print and share with your pastor and every member of your congregation. And, please forward to every pastor and Christian you know.


by John B. Adams, D.O.

Board Certified in Family Medicine and Pain Management

Jackson, MS

October 25, 2011

Dear Pastor,

I am writing to urge you to take this possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to stand in the gap for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society. On November 8, 2011 the voters of Mississippi will cast their ballots on Amendment 26 giving unborn children the status of personhood from the moment of conception.

This amendment will make abortion illegal in Mississippi. I am asking as a physician concerned about the health of Mississippians and as a Christian concerned about their souls, that you put your support from the pulpit behind this amendment.

As you are well aware, as a pastor you carry a very high level of respect and influence with your congregation as well as a higher accountability to God. They look to you to point them in the direction to go in order to better reflect the image of Jesus Christ. As the lead figures in todays Church, pastors must speak boldly to move the people of God to action and out of apathy in a secular culture.

The voice of Christians will define this amendment as a thing that glorifies God and a defeat of the abomination that is the abortion industry.

If this amendment does not pass, it will not be due to the efforts of the godless but because of the apathy and complacency of professing Christians. Please help the members of your church family rise to the calling they profess.If you believe abortion is “just plain wrong”, then stopping it through the peaceful democratic process we have in this nation is “just plain right”.

You and your congregation have the freedom to vote yes or no. But please do not delude yourself or your congregation into draping a NO vote in a false facade of piety, patriotism, mercy, or freedom.

Make no mistake, regardless of the rhetoric before or after the vote, a YES vote is a vote AGAINST ABORTION. A NO vote is a vote FOR ABORTION.

The feeble attempts to pacify the conscience with the “I don’t agree with abortion, but … ________” or “I’m a Christian, but …________” line of logic rings hollow. If they vote NO, please encourage people to have the intellectual honesty to say, “I am ok with 1.5 million tiny helpless Americans being intentionally killed each year for the sake of convenience and economic advancement.

I do not believe life begins at conception and the the cost of a child frequently outweighs its intrinsic worth.”

Vote with your beliefs and convictions but at least be honest and consistent with what those beliefs and convictions are.

Please do not be deceived by the cruel and deceptive propaganda being distributed by organizations such as Mississippians for Healthy Families. This organization is heavily funded and supported by Planned Parenthood organizations from Florida, New York, New Jersey, Colorado, and California.

See Sec of State Documentation of where funding is coming from here:

As you know, Planned Parenthood is a billion dollar a year organization, the largest abortion provider in the United States, a vocal critic of abstinence education programs, and a strong proponent of liberal school sex education programs indoctrinating young minds with moral principles and lifestyles contrary to the Christian principles found in the Bible.

Is this really where you want to cast your support?

As a minister of the Gospel, please do not be deceived by the lies being promoted by the opponents of Amendment 26.

I understand that you may have several concerns about putting your unequivocal support behind this legislation. I will try to put those fears to rest.

First, you may be concerned about losing your 501 3C tax exempt status. This should not concern you. The fear of losing tax exemption is simply a scare tactic. As a pastor and a church you have a great deal of latitude in supporting political issues such as this. I can provide a copy of an ADF legal opinion to pastors regarding support of personhood initiatives.

In the end however, we are called to serve God and not Caesar.

If Jesus can bear the cross and all but one of the apostles endured a martyr’s death, do you

think any of them would have retreated at the threat of taxation? Fear, however is understandable but unnecessary in this instance.

“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.” -Martin Luther

The opponents of Amendment 26 have been spreading many deceptive lies about this legislation.

Amendment 26 will prosecute women who suffer a miscarriage: FALSE

Amendment 26 will outlaw contraceptives: FALSE

Amendment 26 will outlaw in vitro fertilization: FALSE

Amendment 26 will prevent a doctor from saving a woman’s life in the case of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy: FALSE

Planned Parenthood has a history of deceiving ministers into supporting their agenda. Please do not fall prey to this manipulation. This sort of strategy has been used for over 70 years, ever since it was used to eradicate as many African American babies as possible.

“We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” –Margaret Sanger (American Birth Control League, which later became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America): Dec. 10. 1939

Pastor I pray with all fervor that the Holy Spirit has given me the words to move your heart to stand up for righteousness.

Please resist the temptation to stay silent due to fear or uncertainty.

Please take up the full armor of God and be bold in word and action.

Please help in the effort to rid Mississippi of the horror of abortion and give the legal protection of personhood to the most vulnerable in our society.


Dr. John B. Adams

Contact Information

Personhood Mississippi

P.O. Box 403

New Albany, MS 38652

Leslie Riley


2298 Hwy 2

Hickory Flat, MS 38633 



 It doesn’t get any better than this.  Thirty second video to bring an end to abortion in the state of Mississippi.

Here’s the link to the Mississippi Personhood Infomercial….Enjoy! ~ Flip

Here we have both gubernatorial candidates (Democrat and Republican) running for Governor of the state of Mississippi saying they will vote YES on Amendment 26, the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.  Praise God!

Here’s the video…..Enjoy!~ Flip

Coach Dave Daubenmire really does His Lord, himself, precious preborn children, and all of us well, in his latest article about “Personhood.”  You will be encouraged immensely for it is the absolute truth – the unsheathing of the Sword of the Spirit!  Here it is!

Enjoy! ~ Flip

 I have received a lot of grief over this article which only reaffirms everything that we say, do, and stand for.  We have been “Personhood” since I became director of Operation Rescue in February of 1994.  Our “Emancipation Proclamation for the Unborn Child,” made its debut during the tenth anniversary of the “Summer of Mercy” in Wichita, Kansas, in July of 2001.  This proclamation makes it abundantly clear that the only Biblical response to abortion is declaring the truth of God’s Word.  “Personhood” does exactly that.  ~ Flip

Personhood – God’s Way!

Personhood is on the move in the state of Ohio.  Men are unsheathing the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) to cut the throat of the abortion industry and render it dead, Dead, DEAD!  Thank God the state of Ohio has some Godly men who have not fallen prey to the devil’s deceitful trap of praising the “Ohio Heartbeat Bill.”  This bill may indeed save some babies, but it will never deal with the sin of abortion.  The ‘Ohio Heartbeat Bill” represents the same tired and failed political strategy the pro-life movement has been initiating for the past thirty-nine years.

Incremental legislation is a failure because it always ends with the unwritten seven word caveat, “…and then you can kill the baby.”  It is a failure because it uses the devil’s means to accomplish God’s ends – the devil is the ultimate incrementalist.  It is a failure because it never allows us to wield the Sword of the Spirit – God’s Word is left in its sheathe.  It is a failure because it always seeks compromise – never a good idea to compromise God’s Word.  It is a failure because the devil himself would sign on to it – every piece of it! 

Yes, that includes the big three exception clauses (rape, incest, life of the mother).  It includes parental notification, the 24 hour waiting period, parental consent, fetal pain bill, partial birth abortion ban, infant born alive act, the Ohio Heartbeat Bill, ad nauseam.  All of these may save some babies, but they will never end abortion.  Even Dr. Dobson, a strong supporter of all this incremental legislation, admitted that, “…the Partial Birth Abortion Ban will probably not save one baby.” 

Unfortunately, for many of us in the pro-life movement, political strategy has replaced God’s Truth.  None of these pieces of political strategery, no matter how well-intentioned, deal with the sin of abortion.  They are simply attempts to regulate it so that a mother can kill her baby, and feel good about it.  That’s right!  The upshot of incremental legislation is that it assuages a mother’s guilty conscience for killing her child.  After all, she has done all she possibly could to have a safe and legal abortion, why is she at fault?  Unintended consequences anyone?

The one piece of political legislation, the only legislation we will support, is that which allows us to unsheathe the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word).  Personhood is that legislation.  It deals with the sin of abortion.  It stops all compromise – let God be true and every man a liar.  It elicits God’s Help – He promises to watch over His Word to perform it.  It spells an end to the devil’s deceitfulness, for the Word of God exposes his lies.  It protects every child – no matter how small.  The gates of hell cannot prevail against God’s truth and God’s church.

“Abortion will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – and not one second sooner.”   

Thank you Jesus for the Godly men in Ohio: Dr. Patrick Johnston, Pastor Bill Dunfee, Coach Dave Daubenmire, and Jason Storms.    Please pray for them.

 In Christian love,



The National Emancipation Proclamation for the Un-born Child

We, the Pastors, elders, and citizens of theUnited States of America do hereby declare on this _____________________, in the year of our Lord two thousand and __________, that all children, from conception forward, are human beings.  They are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

In regard to these children, our government has been in overt rebellion against the Law of Almighty God since January 22, 1973.  The Supreme Court of theUnited States of Americadeclared that children in their mother’s wombs were not fully human and therefore not entitled to the full protection of the laws of our government.  Because of this open rebellion and blatant disregard for the Law of God and for life, our nation is suffering under the remedial judgments of God Himself.  Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, work places, and streets.  Because we have not hated bloodshed, bloodshed is now pursuing us.  (Ezekiel 35:6).

We, the pastors, elders, and citizens ofAmerica, do hereby this day hold the Supreme Court of theUnited States of Americain contempt of the court of Almighty God.  We hold it in contempt of the lives of the children it was sworn to protect.  We hold it in contempt of the Court before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

By virtue of the power and authority vested in us as pastors elders, and members of the Church of Jesus Christ, we declare that the lives of all children (born and unborn) are sacred to God and worthy of our defense.  We with one voice decree, the unborn child shall now and forever more be set free to live inAmerica.  He shall be welcomed in life and protected by law.  Upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, we invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.

We enjoin our brothers and sisters inAmericato join us in this noble endeavor to speak for those children in the womb who cannot speak for themselves.  (Proverbs 31: 8-9).

Done in the United States of America______________________________________________________________________

                                                                              Signature                                                       Date

Personhood is on the move in the state of Ohio.  Men are unsheathing the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) to cut the throat of the abortion industry and render it dead, Dead, DEAD!  Thank God the state of Ohio has some Godly men who have not fallen into the devil’s deceitful trap of praising the “Ohio Heartbeat Law,” which may indeed save some babies but will never deal with the sinof abortion.  The ‘Ohio Heartbeat Beat Law” represents the same old tired and failed political strategy the pro-life movement has been initiating for the past thirty-nine years. 

Incremental legislation is a failure because it always ends with the unwritten seven word caveat, “…and then you can kill the baby.”  It is a failure because it uses the devil’s means to accomplish God’s ends.  The devil is the ultimate incrementalist.  It is a failure because it never allows us to wield the Sword of the Spirit.  God’s powerful Word is left in its sheathe.  It is a failure because it always seeks compromise.  It is never a good idea to compromise God’s Word.  It is a failure because the devil himself would sign every piece of the incremental legislation we have come up with so far.

Yes, that includes the big three exception clauses (rape, incest, life of the mother).  It includes parental notification, the 24 hour waiting period, parental consent, fetal pain bill, partial birth abortion ban, infant born alive act, Ohio heartbeat law, ad nauseam.  All of these may save some babies, but they will never end abortion.  Even Dr. Dobson, a strong supporter of all this incremental legislation, admitted that, “…the Partial Birth Abortion Ban would not save one baby.” 

None of these pieces of incremental legislation, no matter how well-intentioned, deal with the sin of abortion.  They are simply an attempt to regulate it so that a mother can still kill her baby, and feel good about it.  That’s right!  The upshot of all this feverish incremental legislation has resulted in mother’s feeling good about killing their own babies.  Unintended consequences anyone?

The one piece of  political legislation – the only legislation we will support and work hard to get passed – is that which allows us to unsheathe the Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word).  Personhood is that legislation.  It deals with the sin of abortion.  It stops all compromise – let God be true and every man a liar.  It elicits God’s Help – He promises to watch over His Word to perform it.  It spells and end to the devil’s deceitfulness – the Word of God exposes the lie.  It protects every child – no matter how small.  The gates of hell cannot prevail against this.

“Abortion will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – and not one second sooner.”   

Thank you Jesus for the Godly men in Ohio.  Pray for them.

In Christian love,


Click here for more details. 

 The saints in Connecticut continue to be amazed at God’s overflowing grace being poured out on their efforts at the gates of hell.  Thank you Jesus! 

Click here to read this story.  ~ Flip

Jo Scott accurately describes the cold-hearted attitude of those who help the abortion industry to discard the evidence of its murderous ways.  Medical waste companies are complicit in the murder of preborn children.  It does indeed “take a village to kill a child.”  We are all complicit in the American Abortion Holocaust in one way or another.  Our first order of business to set America back on its Godly foundation is not “jobs, jobs, jobs” but “repent, Repent, REPENT! 

~ Flip