My heart sank when I saw this picture in the news.  We are a people desperately in need of a 2 Chronicles 7:14 movement in our nation today.  It cannot begin before it has first become a full fledged, Holy Ghost, fire raging in the hearts of those who claim Christ and make up the body of Christ – His Church.  Judgment begins in the house of God, but it doesn’t stop there. 

Let this be a call to, in the words of the late David Wilkerson, anguish!    

 Here is another article about the boys and their stand from Fox News.

Tonight, May 8, 2014, boys will be on Greta VanSusteren (Fox News)

Here’s another article from about what happened yesterday May 7, 2014, as HGTV fired both David and Jason Benham, for their Christian views of marriage, family, abortion, Islam, and homosexuality.  Great article by Ben Johnson.

Some interesting Comments can be found in response to the article.   The title of Ben’s article: HGTV Cancels Reality TV Show after left wingers ‘expose’ the stars pro-life, pro-family views” 

 David and Jason Benham, our twin sons, have come under a vicious and diabolical assault by the principalities and powers of this dark age and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  

They have, however, been born for such a time as this.  God has them right where He wants them to be.


They have been raised up for this very moment.  Please pray for these little arrows (not so little any more) that they may fly straight and true as they have been launched from the bow of family and church.  Pray that they may plunge into the bull’s eye of their life’s purpose and bring glory to Almighty God – Jesus!


If they go down Lord, help them to go down standing up in the Name of Jesus.  If they are victorious Lord, help them to give up all praise to You.  There is no middle ground.  No compromise.  It is liberty, or it is death.


“They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their own lives so much as to shrink from death.”  Revelation 12:11.

Here’s the USA Today article, May 7, 2014.

“World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.”  So says World Vision’s mission statement.

Attached are three articles -one I have written and the other two are by Art Moore of WND and Dr. Michael Brown.  Please read Art Moore and Dr. Brown’s article first, then read mine below. ~ Flip

World Vision – The Policy Change That Rocked Its World! 

by Flip Benham, 28 March, 2014

Dr. Michael Brown wrote an article concerning what our response to World Vision’s, “Statement of Repentance,” should be over the change in its hiring policy.  It is a bit premature to offer up forgiveness, however.  World Vision needs to bear the fruit of repentance.

For justice to be brought to victory (Matthew 12:20), more is required.  All in leadership of World Vision who approved of, or helped craft this abominable policy change, should be asked to step down.  Their hearts are not right before Almighty God.  This policy change was not just something that came to them on a lark.  It was carefully thought out and strategized.  World Vision was looking for the world’s approval and cash.

How can I say this?  By their actions – wisdom is known by her children.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  For their leadership to come up with such a subtle and surreptitious attack upon the character of Almighty God and His institution of marriage, (“Changing the employee conduct policy to allow someone in a same-sex marriage who is a professed believer in Jesus Christ to work for us makes our policy more consistent with our practice on other divisive issues”) reveals the true heart of World Vision.  It is not a pretty picture.

World Vision has become a gutless, bottom line driven, god-hating, business, which values the accolades and goodies of the World far more than despising the shame of the cross.  The evidence of true repentance (Godly sorrow) is beautifully articulated in (2 Corinthians 7: 9-11). 

“…yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance.  For you became sorrowful in the way God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us.  Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.  See what this Godly sorrow has produced in you:  what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.  At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.”

 Is World Vision expressing worldly or Godly sorrow?  You be the judge.

Justice must be brought to victory before forgiveness is given.  Remember well, that we are to forgive as God has forgiven us (Colossians 3:13).  We must be merciful as our Father in heaven is merciful (Luke 6:36).  Mercy is only dispensed from heaven when Godly sorrow is proven true by her actions.  Worldly sorrow (I’m sorry I got caught. Now forgive me, and get me out of this mess) brings only death.

Which sorrow is World Vision demonstrating by its actions?  Too early to tell!

World Vision dug this hole.  The leadership had been tossing around this, “Let’s remain above the fray and bring unity to the church,” mantra for quite some time before this ludicrous policy change was crafted.  Though they will never admit it – World Vision has become an enemy of the cross of Christ.  This is exactly what they have become!  There is sin in the camp.  This was not a “mistake.”  It was an incremental and systematic attack upon Almighty God by those who profess to love Him!

We must not act too quickly in dispensing forgiveness, when God Himself would not have us act so quickly.  Remember, we must forgive as we have been forgiven.

The world is always trying to press into its mold of forgiveness – when it is to be given, how it is to be given, and who it should be given to.  Be very careful of the world’s idea of forgiveness.  It is a false representation of God’s forgiveness.  Note:  After almost every mass shooting and murder, the media immediately runs to victims or victim’s families, shoves a microphone at them, and demands, “Do you forgive “so and so” for murdering or maiming your loved one?”

The world demands you forgive everyone, for everything, every time, immediately.  This is called love and what all good people (real Christian people) should do.  Much of God’s church has fallen into this infantile deception.  This is the most barbaric misrepresentation of God’s Word and His Person.  God calls us to forgive as He has forgiven us (Colossians 3:13).

Well, just how does God forgive?  Note that when Jesus was hanging on the cross (Luke 23:33-34) He said, “…Father forgive them for they know not what they do… .”  He did not say, “I forgive you,” even though He had been given the authority on earth to do this very thing, “But that you may know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to forgive sins… .” He said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, take up your mat and go home.” Luke 5:24.

Jesus could have forgiven them that very minute, but he didn’t.  Why not?  They had nailed Him to a cross and were waiting for Him to die.  They hated Him for exposing their sin.  They butchered Him so brutally that He didn’t even look like a man.  This is what happens when God falls into the hands of angry sinners.  There was not an iota of repentance in their evil hearts.  They just wanted Him dead.

His desire was clearly to forgive, but He never has and never will dispense His forgiveness upon unrepentant hearts.  Jesus could not forgive them.  They were in utter rebellion against Almighty God.  So Jesus prayed that His Heavenly Father would forgive them.  That perhaps, after they realized what they had done by nailing Him to that old rugged cross, and were cut to the heart over their sin, they might run to Him and find the forgiveness that only He could give.  Mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13) to be sure, but mercy cannot be had apart from judgment.  This is bringing justice to victory.

Jesus is a friend of sinners.  He is not a friend of victims, or of those who attempt to justify, rationalize, or outright deny their sin.  No justice – No forgiveness.  Forgiveness is found only here for World Vision.  Those that led World Vision down this path of rebellion against Almighty God must confess their sin and step down from leadership.

Justice must be done before mercy is dispensed.  If forgiveness is not rooted in this truth, it is misguided emotion and will not enlighten a soul to the danger of damnation.

This little video contains an incredible testimony (poem) written by a brother in Christ who was enslaved in homosexual lust with no seeming way of escape.  Dr. Richard Hanner, a good friend of mine, posted this on his web –  This is without a doubt the most politically incorrect yet Biblically correct account of the murderous lie of homosexuality I have ever seen.  Jesus is the only answer, and He is all the answer we need!  Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. ~ Flip

Ray Comfort has been a great blessing to God’s Church as he has been used to call us back to employing God’s Law (Galatians 3:24) as the proper method to lead lost people to salvation in Christ (1 Timothy 1:8-11). We love the 180 video which is a powerful call to repentance for the murder of God’s precious preborn children. We take advantage of all his materials and Gospel tracts and pass them out at almost all of our venues. We do, however, take issue with Ray’s “new” technique for witnessing at abortion mills.    

You will find Ray’s article at the top and Adam Tennant’s and my responses below within this document.


Read more

I’ve often wondered why Ray Comfort never included graphic pictures of the horrible reality of abortion in his video, 180.

I don’t have to wonder any longer.  He had no problem using the pictures of holocaust victims with their bodies stacked like cords of wood outside the ovens.  You see, you and I have no moral responsibility for the holocaust because it was before our time.  Would Ray Comfort have shown these pictures during the holocaust in Nazi Germany?  No way!  If he dared, he would have been slam dunked by Hitler’s regime.  Ray, you need to do a personal 180. 

To testify that what the “world” is doing right now is evil, will bring nothing but the wrath of the world upon us.  We will be forced, by the world, the flesh, and the devil, to either shut-up, put-up, or let-up!  Jesus said it this way, “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil.”  John 7:7.  So what should we do – seek the “world’s” approval or storm the gates of hell with the truth of the Gospel of Christ?  The light of the world simply needs to let the light shine. 

To show the graphic pictures of murdered babies brings Holy Spirit conviction upon all of us who claim the Name of Christ because these pictures show us, better than any word or sermon, our responsibility to love our neighbor as ourselves.  We are our brother’s keeper.

Where is your brother, Ray?  Who is your neighbor, Ray?  “Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”  James 1:27.

Adam Tennant wrote a fascinating article concerning Ray and his way.

Enjoy! ~ Flip


Yo Flip, Ray Comfort gives us a lesson on how to witness to homosexuals and abortion-minded women.  You see, you have to understand that confronting someone with their specific sin will offend them and make you appear to be a homophobic fundamentalist.  The last thing we want to do is offend someone, right???  So, according to Ray, we should not mention homosexuality or abortion at all.  And…if you think about it…that’s what our Lord would have done…right?  Right?

John 6:61 shows us that Jesus was concerned about offending people, asking His disciples if His words offended them.  The last thing he ever wanted to do was offend someone.  Let me stop the sarcasm.  Jesus asked the question, “Does this offend you?” knowing full-well that His words had offended them.  His disciples knew that He had laid it all out.  They knew that continuing to follow this man, who asked them to eat His flesh and drink His blood, would cost them absolutely everything.  So Jesus was not at all concerned with the fact that many of them were offended.  He asked the question, to open the door for them to make a choice.  Would they continue to follow them, and give up their status of nice Jews?  Or would they join forces with the lunatic?  Many of them chose to desert Him.  But some chose to continue, and would eventually die gruesome deaths.

Ray needs to make a 180˚ himself…it’s called repentance.  Instead of surrendering his reputation to the Lord, he has chosen to be loved by all, so that he can love them into Hell.  It is very sad really.  I love so much what he has done.  His ministry impacted me nearly as much as any other ministry.  Yet he is dead wrong on this one.  Notice that he gave his reasoning for not mentioning homosexuality to the lesbian.  He said, “I really didn’t want an angry gay couple complaining to the airline (and the media) that I was a homophobic fundamentalist, imposing my hate-speech by saying that they were going to Hell because they were gay.”  That really makes me mad.  I’m sure it makes you mad as well.  He needs to repent.  I am sure he is familiar with John 12:25, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.”  He needs to meditate on that one and examine his heart.  I can’t judge a man’s motives…unless he wears them on his sleeve.  He has made it clear why he does what he does.  He doesn’t want others (especially the media) to label him “one of those fundamentalists.”


Here is the story by Ray Comfort.

How to Share the Gospel with Homosexuals, and Someone Who is About to Kill Her Baby

I was flying from Los Angeles to Miami when I found myself sitting next to two women. Sarah was sitting closest to me. She was 29, inappropriately dressed, with a ring through her nose, and she wasn’t the friendliest person I have sat next to on a plane. After we took off I couldn’t help but notice that her friend kept kissing her on the cheek, holding her hand, and rubbing her shoulder. They were gay, and that little revelation lifted my planned witnessing encounter up a big notch on the awkward-meter. I really didn’t want an angry gay couple complaining to the airline (and the media) that I was a homophobic fundamentalist, imposing my hate-speech by saying that they were going to Hell because they were gay.

I waited until she had eaten, finished her movie, and simply said, “Sarah. I have a question for you. Do you think there’s an afterlife?”  She wasn’t sure, so I asked, “If Heaven exists, are you going there? Are you a good person?”  She predictably said she was, so I took her through three of the Ten Commandments—had she lied, stolen, and taken God’s name in vain? She had broken all three, so we then looked at whether or not she would be guilty on Judgment Day and whether she would go to Heaven or Hell. I then shared the cross, and the necessity for repentance and faith in Jesus. I didn’t mention her sexual orientation; I didn’t need to nor did I want to. I simply shared the moral Law (the Ten Commandments)—because the Bible says that the Law was “made” for homosexuals—see 1 Timothy 1:8-10.  She wasn’t offended, and I kept her friendship and stayed out of jail.

Trying to witness to someone who is about to take the life of her child is also high on the awkward list. It’s awkward, mainly because the mind of this person is preoccupied with what she is about to do and therefore it’s difficult to get her attention. However, if she would stop and talk I would handle the situation similarly to my conversation with Sarah. The reason for that is that I don’t want to reform people. I didn’t want Sarah to stop being gay and end up in Hell for her lying, theft and blasphemy. I don’t want to just stop a woman from killing her child, and have her go to Hell for her other sins. With God’s help I want to see more than a change of mind. I want to see a change of heart.

Contrary to popular opinion, most who take the life of their child through abortion believe in God. Even the staunchest fundamentalist atheist believes in God. I know because I have an inside source. I have a “Whistle-blower”:

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools…” (Romans 1:20-22).

Those who abort the life of their children are “idolaters,” illustrated in the fact that their god condones the taking of a human life. They have no fear of God before their eyes.  So your agenda, with the help of God, is to stir her God-given conscience to do its duty and put the fear of God within her, and you can do that, as I did with Sarah and the gay issue, without even mentioning the elephant in the room—the impending abortion. To put the fear of God in someone means that you will have to stay with the biblical gospel. Do not use the “God has a wonderful plan” message because it is both unbiblical and will do more damage than good. If you really believe that that message is biblical, think for a few moments about how the first eleven disciples were murdered for their faith. If you know Church history, you will know that the foundation of the Church is founded in the blood of the saints. Jesus warned that people would kill Christians thinking that they are doing God a favor.

Imagine you have been asked to preach the gospel to 1,000 people on the 100th floor of the World Trade Center the night before 9/11. You know that within 24 hours every person looking at you will die a death so horrific it defies human imagination. Many will be burned alive. Others will jump 100 stories to their deaths on the unforgiving sidewalks of New York. Others will fall with the building and be so crushed that their bodies will never be recovered. What are you going to tell them—that God has a wonderful plan for their lives? You can’t say that to people who are about to die! Instead you would soberly tell them that it’s appointed to man once to die and after this, the judgment. You would tell them that God is holy, that He will judge them by His perfect Law, that Hell is very real and that they desperately need a Savior.  You would tell them that they could die within 24 hours, and plead with them to repent and trust alone in Jesus. If you have to change the message you normally preach, then you are not preaching the biblical gospel.  Why would you have a different message for people who are walking the streets of this world, and are about to die? Every day 150,000 people throughout this world pass into death, many of whom will die in terrible ways—through horrific car accidents and through the suffering of cancer.

Think of David and Nathan the prophet. David had coveted his neighbor’s wife, stolen her, lived a lie, committed adultery and murdered her husband. He had violated the Ten Commandments but he wasn’t too worried. His conscience wasn’t doing its duty. God had commissioned Nathan to expose the king’s terrible sin.  So what did Nathan say?  Did he say, “David, God has a wonderful plan for your life”? What has that got to do with anything? David was a criminal, and Nathan was there to expose his crimes, not speak of some wonderful plan.  The faithful preacher began in the natural realm with a story about the theft and slaughter of a poor man’s lamb, and when David became indignant about that man’s sin, Nathan said, “YOU are that man. Why have you despised the Commandment of the Lord!” And that’s when David cried, “I have sinned against God.”  Think for a moment as to whether or not the wonderful plan message could never have elicited that response. Why should it? It doesn’t bring any knowledge of sin or the fear of God. It doesn’t stir the conscience.  But the Law does. It made David tremble. The Law stirred the king’s seared conscience so that it would do its God-given duty, and we can see its result in the penitent prayer of Psalm 51. And that’s what we must do with those who see nothing wrong with the taking of the life of their unborn child. Their terrible sin must be made personal so that the fear of the Lord causes them to depart from it. The instant someone is converted to Jesus Christ they know that means no more lying, stealing, lust, pornography, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, idolatry and no murdering of your own children.

In Mark 10:17 we are told of the story of the rich young ruler who ran to Jesus, kneeled down and said, “Good master. What must I do to inherit eternal life?” He ran (was earnest), he kneeled down (he was humble), and he asked the question we so wish the world would ask, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” But instead of leading him in a sinner’s prayer, Jesus reproved him of his use of the word “good.”  Proverbs 20:6 says, “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness,” and they certainly do. Ask anyone if they think they are a good person and most will say that they are. So Jesus used the Ten Commandments to bring the knowledge of sin to show him that he wasn’t good at all. He, like Nathan, made sin personal. Paul did this in Romans 2 when he said, “You who say you shall not steal; do YOU steal? You who say you shall not commit adultery, do YOU commit adultery?” Such faithful talk will cause the sinner to tremble as Felix trembled when Paul reasoned with him—not about some wonderful plan, but of “sin, temperance and judgment.”

The stirring of the dormant conscience coupled with a knowledge that a holy God will hold her accountable should be enough to put the fear of God within someone who is about to commit the murder of her own offspring. May God help us to be faithful, courageous, and give us wisdom and help us to stop such slaughter.

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Ron Brock and Alan Hoyle are given ‘em heaven in our Nation’s Capital as the Supreme Court hears arguments to strike down California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of marriage Act (DOMA). ~ Flip

Ron Brock and Alan Hoyle are at the “Stand for Marriage Equality” march as the Supreme Court hears arguments to strike down California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defines marriage as between one man and one woman (dah!). Chief Justice John Roberts invited his sodomite cousin to sit in with him and hear the arguments. Some might remember John Roberts, while a lawyer in Colorado, wrote a supporting brief for Lawrence v. Texas which struck down sodomy laws in 13 states. George W. Bush nominated Roberts and upon his confirmation, appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court! Throughout Roberts confirmation process we warned and we marveled at the support of Christian advocacy groups for their support of John Roberts! Shame on the Republican Party! Shame on the silent Churches! Shame on America!

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