Here is a great article, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, by Rusty Thomas about what is going on in heaven while we continue to thumb our nose at our Creator and His precious preborn children. ~ Flip
Dear Champion of the Lord and the Preborn,
“Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.” (Psalms 2:1-4).
Yesterday, August 28, 2012, commemorated the 8th anniversary of our completion of the Walk Across America Prophetic Tour. Ten missionaries walked a “living parable” from San Clemente, CA to Washington DC. It took over six months to complete this Kingdom task. The “living parable” consisted of a young man, Johnny Benham, who carried broken tablets of the Ten Commandments. He was followed by my daughter, Shekinah Thomas, who carried a baby casket, which represented the preborn children murdered by abortion, the evidence of America’s sin. Shekinah was followed by Rev. Flip Benham, National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, who walked a white horse adorned with a banner called JUDGMENT. After him, I took up the rear guard by walking a white donkey adorned with a banner called MERCY.
Each day we cried out against the sins of our nation, abortion and parading our sin like Sodom. Each day we called our nation to repent and come back to the Lord and the Biblical principles that served us so well in our nation’s history. We passed out tens of thousands of tracts and did manifold media interviews all along the way.
After delivering God’s mail in Washington DC at the White House, the next day, August 29, 2004, the majority of the missionaries returned home to joyfully reunite with their families. Rev. Flip Benham, however, went to New Orleans to be with Pastor Bill Shanks. Pastor Bill invited Rev. Flip to join him to minister the Gospel of the Kingdom at a sodomite lustfest called Southern Decadence. While there, Pastor Bill Shanks warned New Orleans that if this wicked city did not stop murdering God’s babies and flaunting the abomination of homosexuality, God would send a hurricane and flood New Orleans. On August 29, 2005, one year to the day, Katrina, which means cleansing, devastated New Orleans and the surrounding areas.
Fast forward to this date and what do we discover? Another hurricane is making a similar path towards New Orleans, except this time, the storm’s timing is in conjunction with the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL. Is there a connection? The rest of this article will explore the possibilities.
First, the name of this imminent hurricane is called Isaac. Biblically, the name Isaac means laughter. As you may recall, when God reaffirmed the promised child to Abraham and Sarah after they were past the time of child-bearing, Sarah laughed. The Lord confronted her with her amused unbelief and in His humorous way called Abraham to name his promised son, Isaac (laughter).
In our opening verse in Psalms two, God’s word addresses nations that rebel against His loving and just rule. As the nations ignore and rage against His commandments, the Lord’s response from heaven is to laugh at them. It is just a coincidence that the very meaning of the hurricane disrupting the Republican National Convention means laughter? If not, perhaps a message I preached a few years ago may apply, “When God laughs in heaven, it is not funny on earth.”
This convention has been marked by storms from without and derision from within. Romney is attempting to change the procedural rules of the convention to disenfranchise the conservative delegates. It has created a faction that has blown the unity that centered on defeating Obama come November.
As Isaac rains on their parade another storm hit on the way to the convention. It came in the form of a gaff from Congressman Todd Akin. His attempt to address abortion in the case of rape went awry. It served, however, to reveal that once again the Republican Establishment will choose to ignore the American holocaust and the culture of death it has spawned in favor of the economy. They seem to believe that one can continue to slaughter God’s babies made in His image and still thrive as a people. Their mantra of JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, cannot wipe out the cries of the “little ones” and their innocent blood that demands, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth” (Revelations 6:10)?
Try as they might, politics as usual, whether it comes from Republicans or Democrats, the official party of death, right or left on the political spectrum, cannot save our nation that is drowning in a sea of blood and perversion. There is a spiritual and moral connection to the litany of woe striking our nation. Both political parties ignore it to our national peril. Moreover, any politician that ignores abortion is not fit to serve as a magistrate and betrays the sacred trust of civil government, which is to protect life and stop the shedding of innocent blood. Perhaps Isaac, God’s laughter, is His way of reminding America of this truth in Jesus’ name!