Here’s another article from about what happened yesterday May 7, 2014, as HGTV fired both David and Jason Benham, for their Christian views of marriage, family, abortion, Islam, and homosexuality. Great article by Ben Johnson.
Some interesting Comments can be found in response to the article. The title of Ben’s article: HGTV Cancels Reality TV Show after left wingers ‘expose’ the stars pro-life, pro-family views”
David and Jason Benham, our twin sons, have come under a vicious and diabolical assault by the principalities and powers of this dark age and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
They have, however, been born for such a time as this. God has them right where He wants them to be.
They have been raised up for this very moment. Please pray for these little arrows (not so little any more) that they may fly straight and true as they have been launched from the bow of family and church. Pray that they may plunge into the bull’s eye of their life’s purpose and bring glory to Almighty God – Jesus!
If they go down Lord, help them to go down standing up in the Name of Jesus. If they are victorious Lord, help them to give up all praise to You. There is no middle ground. No compromise. It is liberty, or it is death.
“They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their own lives so much as to shrink from death.” Revelation 12:11.
The saints in Kissimmee are launching an all out assault on the proposed Planned Parenthood attempting to move into Kissimmee in a couple of months. Here is Michelle Herzog’s report.
God willing, we will join the saints in Kissimmee, this June 11-14, 2014 to storm these gates of hell.
As many of you may already be aware, there is a proposed Planned Parenthood moving into the Kissimmee area, located at 610 Oak Commons Blvd. This will be a big one with 21 rooms, which means many little baby boys and girls will lose their lives at this location if opened!
On April 1st as many of you will remember, a call to action was put out to gather at the Commissioner’s meeting at the City Hall in Kissimmee. A tremendous crowd turned out, so many, that it was standing room only, with the lobby packed with people as well. For over two hours, concerned citizens spoke from their hearts with passion concerning the proposed mega P.P.
We have another opportunity as Christians, concerned citizens of Central Florida and surrounding areas, to band together with those in Kissimmee to voice our outrage, dismay and absolute concern at the proposed opening of this mega-Planned Parenthood. The effect on the community, the lives that will be broken from the aftermath of abortion and the lives lost through the act of abortion will be tremendous.
Tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 6, there will be another Commissioner’s meeting at the City Hall in Kissimmee. Let us join together, letting our voices be heard and our presence seen, alerting the community and the Commissioner’s of our concern over the proposed Planned Parenthood opening. Let us encourage once again, the Commissioner’s to do what they can to STOP America’s largest abortion provider from gaining access into Kissimmee!
Place: Kissimmee City Hall
101 Church St, Kissimmee, FL
Dr. Dobson is spot on! Enjoy this attached quote
Dr James Dobson after winning a lawsuit filed against an Obama Health Care mandate which would require his ministry’s health insurance to provide abortifacients for his employees.
“I believe in the rule of law, and it has been my practice since I was in college to respect and honor those in authority over us. It is my desire to do so now. However, this assault on the sanctity of human life takes me where I cannot go. I WILL NOT pay the surcharge for abortion services. The amount of the surcharge is irrelevant. To pay one cent for the killing of babies is egregious to me, and I will do all I can to correct a government that lies to me about its intentions and then tries to coerce my acquiescence with extortion. It would be a violation of my most deeply held convictions to disobey what I consider to be the principles in Scripture. The Creator will not hold us guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of His innocent babies. So come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation.”
This just in from Jay Rogers in Kissimmee. Today provides a great opportunity to pray that we WILL succeed in keeping abortion out of Kissimmee and Osceola County! WE are still hoping to find a brief (2-3 minute) video depicting the typical scene outside of abortion clinics to show the Commissioners next Tuesday… Also we have a full page ad coming out this Saturday morning (Osceola News Gazette) which will be a plea from at least 50 of our area physicians to the city (see the attached – it is only a draft)… Please contact me ASAP if you know of other physicians whose names can be added! Need to finalize by end of day today – THANKS and Blessings to all!
Attached please find the full page add the saints in Kissimmee, Florida, are taking out in the Osceola News Gazzette.
See you at the gates in Kissimmee, June 11-14, 2014.
“Then I said to the nobles, the rulers, and the rest of the people, ‘The work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.'”
The saints in Central Florida have recently become aware that Planned Parenthood is attempting to set up one of their mega killing centers in Kissimmee, Florida. They are sending out a “Macedonian Call” to come help them expose this evil in their community.
They have mobilized the local church, the medical community, and sparked an outrage against this monstrosity at their city council meetings. They are needing our help to come stand in the gap and make up the hedge. We are asking on their behalf to heed the call and come to Florida from June 11-14. This evil cannot be ignored, but exposed in Jesus’ name! Hope to see you all there.
They have a great deal on hotel accommodations.
Super 8 Kissimmee Suites
1815 W Vine St | Kissimmee | FL | 34741
Double Room – Features two double size beds, microwave, refrigerator and coffee maker and is available for only $33.00 per night, plus tax.
Apartment Suite – Features a fully equipped kitchen, living room and two private bedrooms, with one double size bed in each bedroom. This suite is available for only $59.00 per night plus tax.
Included in the rates quoted above is a free continental breakfast and free wireless internet access.
Participants of your event can call the hotel directly at 407-847-6121 and ask for the “OSA Church Group” rate.
If I can be of any service, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rizwan Saferali.
This little three minute NBC news video will give you a pretty good visual of what is happening In Jackson, Wyoming. For those of you who were with us during our “States of Refuge” campaign in May 2011 and 2012, this should be a pretty familiar venue. This video was taken from the sidewalk next to the “mini-mall” where Brent Blue’s abortion mill is located.
If God’s church in Jackson Hole will not cry out for the plight of preborn children being led away to the slaughter – the rocks will! Luke 19:40.
Attached is a great article from our good friend Jeremy Augenbaugh in Jackson, Wyoming. We are just off the heels of winning a lawsuit against the city’s nefarious attempts to silence the Gospel of Christ in the streets of Jackson, to now being on the heels of a possibly devastating landslide just across the street from abortionist Brent Blue’s notorious abortion mill. This mill is the last remaining surgical abortion mill in the state of Wyoming.
The church in Jackson is deafeningly silent concerning this issue, for she is afraid of what it will do to her reputation among the “good” citizens of this troubled city. This city is being troubled by God Himself. If His Church chooses to remain silent at a time like this, then the rocks will cry out.
See Jeremy’s article demonstrate a very powerful movement of God’s providential hand at work in the city of Jackson, Wyoming, thanks to your public proclamation.
Just received this from Jay Rogers. We have found a great hotel in Kissimmee for just $33.00, plus tax, a night. We will be there for three nights Wednesday – Friday, June 11-13. We will be leaving Saturday afternoon, June 14, 2014.
We will be a great encouragement for the saints fighting the battle there to prevent Planned Parenthood from building yet another “mega-killing” center in an abortion free town just outside of Disney World.
Thank you for the opportunity to host the OSA Group at the Super 8 Kissimmee Suites.
We have setup the following rates for your group arriving on Wednesday, June 11th:
Double Room – Features two double size beds, microwave, refrigerator and coffee maker and is available for only $33.00 per night, plus tax.
Apartment Suite – Features a fully equipped kitchen, living room and two private bedrooms, with one double size bed in each bedroom. This suite is available for only $59.00 per night plus tax.
Included in the rates quoted above is a free continental breakfast and free wireless internet access.
Participants of your event can call the hotel directly at 407-847-6121 and as for the “OSA Church Group” rate.
If I can be of any service, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rizwan Saferali.
Rizwan Saferali
Super 8 Kissimmee Suites
1815 W Vine St | Kissimmee | FL | 34741
407-847-6121 | Fax: 407-343-0026