The one thing we heard more than anything else from delegates attending the DNC in Charlotte this week, “You only care for the babies that are not here.  You don’t do ‘nothin” for the ones that are here.”  Just a few pictures can shatter this lunacy.  Here’s the story from Marilyn Carroll! 

Enjoy! ~ Flip


Amazing!  Simply Amazing!  All morning and afternoon, September 5, 2012, we had the privilege of preaching to hundreds of Democratic delegates ready to attend their business session of that day.  You will remember that the DNC, the day before, had removed all mention of God from its platform, and declared that Jerusalem was not the Capital of Israel.  We preached our hearts out about the fact that those who claimed Christ and were delegates in the DNC were born for a time such as this.  We pleaded with them, in the strong Name of Jesus to stand strong for our Lord even if they had to stand alone.

THEY DID IT!  Oh, Marvelous Day! 

They won!  With a little help from Almighty God and the chairperson at the podium.  And much to the chagrin of the 457 practicing homosexual delegates, the National Organization for Women (NOW), Planned Parenthood (PP), National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), ad nauseam.

Here is the story and make sure you watch the three minute video of the actual vote.  Unbelievable!   

Enjoy! ~ Flip

I didn’t believe it could happen.  Thousands of folks gathered together in specific prayers of repentance, proclamations to bear the fruit of repentance, and praises of repentance already taking place in our city.  Repentance over the sin of abortion by the leaders of God’s Church in the city of Charlotte certainly will mark the loosing of God’s mercy that He might hear our prayers, forgive our sin, and heal our land. 

Well over five thousand were in attendance and we witnessed the pulpit in the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater aflame with the fire of Almighty God.  Dr. Michael Brown, one of the leaders of the call to repentance at Charlotte714, gave this report of how the media spiked this event.     ~ Flip

Here is the front page article in the local section of the the Charlotte Observer, September 1, 2012.  Jamiel Abdur-Rahman, from Virginia said that our presence at “Jumah Prayer at the DNC” was “insulting.”  “You never see a Muslim at a Christian gathering trying to insult people,” he said, “You never see us do anything like that.”  No, we just see you crash airplanes into our buildings and kill everyone in sight.  And when you attend Christian churches around the world, you blow-up everybody in the church including yourselves.  There is a difference between speech and murder – No?

Islam is a monstrous, murderous, intractable lie birthed in the very deepest pit of hell.  It twists men, made in the image of God, into perverted monsters whose very countenances reveal demonization.  Hatred is Islam’s drug of choice!  Hatred toward Israel, hatred toward Christianity, hatred toward America, prevents all enslaved by the lie of Islam from the introspection necessary to realize that the only hope to be saved from their pathetic sinful state is in the One God sent – Jesus.

Let the redeemed of the Lord, say so!      ~ Flip

They advertised that there would be 10,000 – 20,000 worshippers at this Friday’s “Jumah Prayer at the DNC” event.  What a Kickoff for the DNC.  There were perhaps 200 that showed up – thank God!  Perhaps this is a precursor of what Charlotte has in store for the Democratic National Convention this upcoming week. Here it is via ~ Flip

Here is our Press release for our Press Conference to be held out at the front gate of “Jumah at the DNC.”  Here, at Marshall Park in Charlotte, on Friday, August 31, 2012, over ten thousand Muslims are to gather together for their Friday Jumah prayer as an official function (kick-off) of the Democratic National Convention.  This is incredible considering husbands can beat their wives, Kill them (honor killings), and have up to four wives according to the Q’uran and Hadith.  I wonder how the NOW gals and Planned Parenthood feel about this.  Amazing!

 But Islam has now become the religion of “choice” for the DNC.


Press Release

30 August, 2012

For Immediate Release:

What Do Abortion, Homosexuality, and Islam Have In Common – the DNC!

Charlotte, NC:   The Democratic National Convention (DNC) says that the Church of Jesus Christ in Charlotte “does not reflect its values.”   When Charlotte714, a non political group of Pastors and Christian leaders in Charlotte who are praying for God to restore our nation, requested permission to pass out gifts and Christian literature to arriving DNC delegates, they were refused.  The reason: “…the values of Charlotte714 do not reflect the values of the DNC.”

 Just what are the values of the DNC?  On Friday, August 31 – September 2, 2012, we will see.  The DNC will be opened in Jumah Prayer by Siraj Wahhaj as grand Imam and unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993WorldTradeCenterbombings.  Wahhaj served as a character witness for Omar Abdel Rahman (the blind sheikh) in the trial that found him guilty of conspiring to overthrow theUnited Statesgovernment.  So Islam is now the religion of choice for the DNC?

 Of course, abortion on demand for any reason, at any time, at taxpayer expense, is an absolute in the DNC.  No room for deviance here.  Now the DNC is going to redefine marriage.  What does the God of the Bible know, anyway!  After years of lying to us, The DNC has decided to show its true colors.  It is indeed, the party of death!  “…All who hate me love death.  Pr 8:36.

 The DNC is tolerant of all religions except one – Christianity!  Why?  The DNC hates the God of the Bible.  It hates the God of our Pilgrim Forefathers and Founding Fathers.  It hates the God (Jesus) who madeAmericagreat and made her strong.  It simply hates any “god” but itself.

 Hatred toward the God of the Bible (Jesus) is the great unifier of abortion, homosexuality, and Islam.  Hatred toward God and the nation He made great –America, is the platform of the DNC.  Politics does, indeed, make for strange bedfellows.

 What does abortion have to do with homosexuality?  And what do either have in common with Islam, which calls for the death of those who practice abortion or homosexuality?  Nothing but the DNC and the devil.  This unholy alliance is kept together only with the glue of hate!

What:           Press Conference – Jumah Prayer at the DNC!         

Where:        3rd St side of Marshall Park in Charlotte, NC

When:           11:30 AM, Friday, August 31, 2012

Contact:      Dr. Pat McEwen (321) 431 3962 or Flip Benham (980)722 4920 

A mama chose LIFE at the LaTrobe abortion mill on Friday August 24th, after coming directly from an ultrasound at the crisis pregnancy center. She left the pregnancy center planning to drive to the abortion mill to murder her unborn child. As she drove into the parking lot of this business of death, she saw this photo of Malachi and told a sidewalk counselor that she changed her mind solely because of that image!

Ephesians 5:11 was lived out  by exposing the TRUTH behind the lies of Satan. Because of this controversial and graphic depiction of murder, a baby was spared from death in Charlotte! 

Lisa Metzger

Below are some images of “Malachi in action” at the LaTrobe clinic.   Though he is dead, he still speaks!   

Here is a front page story in the “Local and State” section of the Charlotte Observer from Wednesday, August 22, 2012.  Thank God that no matter how good or how bad a story is, it keeps the cause of Christ and His precious preborn children on the front burner in the minds of the citizens in Charlotte.  Through your presence here during our National Event in July, and your prayers since that time, the airwaves in Charlotte and local media outlets have been filled with the exploits of God’s Church storming the gates of hell.  This is just one more story.

Please note that in the story you will find that our attorney’s fought hard to prevent a “wanted” poster, covered with swastikas, a George Tiller Picture on it, and the number 30,000,000 in the middle, from being entered into evidence.  It was a poster that none of us had ever seen before and never would have used.  We did not know if it was ever used in Wichita.  We did not know if any pro-life group or pro-choice group drew it up.  We knew absolutely nothing about it.  Yet Judge Turner allowed it in as evidence anyway.  Why?

Why would a judge allow something like this into evidence?  Because he knew very well that the poster we did distribute, “Wanted by Christ to Stop Killing Babies!” would never be construed as a “threat” to anyone.  The prosecution knew this too.  Unbelievably, the three Appeals Court Judges wrote, “The ‘wanted poster’ (Tiller’s) was relevant and its probative value outweighed any prejudicial effect.”  Sure its probative.  It prejudices everything else.

Of course it’s “probative value” (probative means to prove) was going to get them a conviction.  It totally prejudiced the jury against us.  Without this shocking “wanted” poster, the state’s case would have been shown for what it really was.  Another failed attempt to remove the Gospel of Christ from the highways and byways of our city.          

Here’s the story via the Charlotte Observer:

Anti-abortion minister to get new trial on charges he stalked doctor

On appeal, conviction of anti-abortion leader in 2011 negated on technicality

By Gary L. Wright

Posted: Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012


The Rev. Phillip “Flip” Benham, an anti-abortion activist convicted in 2011 of stalking a Charlotte doctor, has been granted a new trial.

The N.C. Court of Appeals on Tuesday ordered the new trial after ruling that the judge in Benham’s trial made a mistake in instructing jurors before they began deliberations.

Benham, director of the Concord-based Operation Save America, was convicted in July 2011 of stalking a Charlotte doctor by distributing “posters with abortion doctors’ names and photos. He was accused of passing out hundreds of posters that said: “Wanted…by Christ, to Stop Killing Babies.”

He was placed on probation for 18 months and ordered to stay clear of Dr. ______’s home neighborhood and remain 500 feet from the three clinics where the doctor works.

Superior Court Judge Joseph Turner had instructed jurors that to find Benham guilty of stalking, the prosecution had to prove that the anti-abortion activist placed Dr.  ______  in fear for his safety and the safety of his family.

Benham, in appealing his conviction, argued that the warrant charging him with stalking made no mention of ______’s family. The warrant only alleged that Benham had placed ______ in fear.

“The jury was instructed to find defendant guilty on a theory not included in the warrant,” the appeals court judges wrote in ordering the new trial. “The defendant was unable to prepare for trial on the theory that Dr. ______ was placed in fear for his family.”

But Benham said he’s not happy with the appeals court’s ruling. It has given him a new trial, he said, but has taken away his freedom of speech.

“What I do isn’t stalking,” Benham told the Observer Tuesday. “I’m exercising my First Amendment rights as a Christian to expose what is evil. This stalking law is devastatingly dangerous to free speech.

“They’ve gutted the First Amendment. We go all around the country and do this. We go to the abortionists’ homes, their practices and the abortion mills … . They want to censure the Gospel’s message. They want to get us off the streets. They want to silence our message.”

Benham, in appealing his stalking conviction, had also accused the judge of making a mistake when he allowed the prosecution to introduce evidence about a case that involved a “wanted” poster for a doctor who performed abortions in Wichita, Kan. That doctor, George Tiller, was shot to death in his church by an anti-abortion activist in 2009.

Benham argued that the evidence about Tiller was irrelevant and unduly inflammatory.

The appeals court judges disagreed. The “wanted” poster was relevant, they ruled, and its probative value outweighed any prejudicial effect.

Several doctors have been killed after similar fliers were distributed in other cities. In 1993, Dr. George Patterson was killed in Mobile, Ala., and Dr. David Gunn was killed in Pensacola, Fla. His replacement, Dr. John Britton, was gunned down a year later.

“Dr. ______ was concerned because other doctors had been murdered after similar WANTED posters were distributed prior to their deaths,” the appeals court ruling said. “The State’s purpose for introducing the Tiller poster was to show that Dr. ______’s fear regarding the WANTED poster bearing his photograph, name and information was reasonable.

“______ was a doctor who performed abortions … It was relevant for the jury to learn that the wanted posters in the past resulted in violence.”

Staff researcher Maria David contributed

Wright: 704 358-5052

Here it is: OSA Newsletter September 2012

This article written by Lisa Metzger, wife of Mark and home school mom of ten children, sums up the thoughts of most of us who attended Flip’s trial this past Friday, August 10, 2012.  God’s hand was so very evident in all of the proceedings in the courtroom that day.


Miraculous Vindication for a Contender of the Faith

“The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.” ~ Proverbs 21:1

 As we read in Scripture, God directs and rules over those in authority. This past Friday, the Heavenly Judge directed a lowly mortal judge to rule in favor of a man of God.

 Flip Benham had been erroneously convicted of stalking a Charlotte abortionist in July 2011, which has since been appealed and is awaiting a verdict by the appellate court. When the State’s prosecution filed a revocation of bond late last month, during the Operation Save America National Event, Flip was summoned to the Mecklenburg County Courthouse to defend his right to remain free on bond. Claiming that Flip violated the terms of his post-conviction release, the wording of the prosecution’s motion appeared to have already solidified the grim fate of this hearing. There seemed no way out of this legal snare.

Though all seemed bleak initially, God supplied a man for such a time as this. No longer did Flip need to rely on a public defender that lacked the spiritual conviction to argue such a case. David Redding, a commercial litigation attorney and Benham family friend, was called by his Savior to serve as a temporary criminal defender, just for this hearing.  

On the morning of the bond revocation hearing, many of Flip’s friends, family and supporters arrived at the courthouse to pray for Flip’s exoneration, while many covered him in prayer from a distance. Though he trusted God for His Will to be accomplished, Flip realistically presumed that he would be leaving that courthouse in handcuffs to spend the next 75 days in the Mecklenburg County Jail.

Despite testimony from multiple accusers, including some who lied under oath, a very frustrated judge was lawfully obligated to rule in Flip’s favor. Why? Directed by God, Attorney David Redding found a statute in North Carolina that states: A judge authorizing release of a defendant under this section must issue an appropriate order containing a statement of the conditions imposed, if any; inform the defendant in writing of the penalties applicable to violations of the conditions of his release; and advise him that his arrest will be ordered immediately upon any such violation. The order of release must be filed with the clerk and a copy given the defendant.”

During the initial sentencing, this same judge failed to serve Flip with written terms of his post-conviction release on bond. Therefore, Flip had no knowledge as to the specific conditions and stipulations of his bond, and therefore could not adhere to those specifications. In addition, Flip was never arrested for violating the conditions of the bond, which means that he was never observed in defiance of such, even though an officer testified that 50-100 percent of a city’s police force was present during the alleged violations.

Miraculously, these God-ordained details allowed for this unforeseen victory in an earthly court of law. God saw fit to use a Christian litigation attorney and a previously overlooked legal statute to vindicate a man of God who faithfully contends for the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of the City of Charlotte.


I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” ~ Jude 3