Fast and Pray: July 5-8.  To help prepare the way, we are calling for a time to fast and pray for three days. It will begin on Thursday, July 5th, after the lunch meal and conclude on Sunday, July 8th, at lunch time.  That is three full days.  When you are hungry let it move you to pray for our nation.  This is God’s battle.  We are His ambassadors.  It is a spiritual battle we must fight, and can win.  We were born for such a time as this!  ~ Flip

Mission Statement

Operation Rescue/Operation Save America unashamedly takes up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ. We employ only biblical principles. The Bible is our foundation; the Cross of Christ is our strategy; the repentance of the Church of Jesus Christ is our ultimate goal. As the Church changes its heart toward preborn children, God Himself will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and bring healing to our land.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the only answer to the abortion holocaust. It is upon our active repentance in the streets of our cities that the Gospel is visibly lived out. We become to the church, to our city, and to our nation living parables which rightly represent God’s heart toward His helpless children.

There are no cheap political solutions to the holocaust presently ravaging our nation. Like slavery before it, abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue. The Cross of Christ is the only solution.

With this mission statement guiding our prayers, thoughts, and actions, Operation Save America is preparing for our national event in Charlotte, NC. The dates are July-21-28.

God is moving in North Carolina. The Church is rising up. Much prayer, fasting, and thoughtful, godly action is underway as we prepare for the Democratic National Convention this September. This national event will concentrate on three primary venues, which are the DNC, exposing the Stericycle plant in Haw River, NC, and taking the Gospel of the Kingdom to the gates of hell, the local death camps in Charlotte. Last month alone, the Lord used the saints in the Charlotte area to rescue over two hundred babies at the three abortion mills. We intend to multiply those blessings significantly as the saints of OSA come to represent our King to the Queen City.

The DNC’s Biggest Nightmare – North Carolina is Turning to Christ!

Flip Benham, July, 2012

Visit on the web. View the (3 Min 51 Second) video to get a picture of what God’s church has in store for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) when it comes to Charlotte this September 3-5, 2012. The DNC felt that it would be shoring up its victory in North Carolina by selecting Charlotte as its convention city.  Big mistake! God is shaking North Carolina to its core – turning it right-side-up in Jesus’ magnificent Name. God’s church is stepping up and stepping out. The theology of heaven is bursting into biography in the streets of this city and gates of hell are not prevailing.

The Charlotte News & Observer, a huge supporter of the DNC’s culture of death, noted that President Obama didn’t even make an appearance at the Democratic State Convention this past week.  Neither did any of his heavy hitting political wags. They hate the fact they are stuck in Charlotte. Buyer’s remorse anyone?

The Democratic Party in North Carolina is in absolute disarray. Bev Perdue, our Democratic governor, has chosen not to run again, virtually insuring a new Republican governor.  The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) is itself involved in a huge sex scandal.  David Parker, NCDP Chairman, is doing all he can to squelch the sexual allegations between Adrian Ortega, a male, and former NCDP executive director Jay Parmerly, also a male. Ortega claims Parmerly sexually harassed and continually groped him.  Ortega was fired. Parmerly resigned. Ortega, the victim, has filed a defamation suit against Parmerly. Homosexual bullying anyone?

Speaking of which, when “Amendment One” came up for a vote in June (a state constitutional amendment declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman alone) it won overwhelmingly in a landslide victory with 64% of North Carolinians voting for it. The vote sent shockwaves to the DNC; “Can’t we go somewhere else?”

Several prominent Democrats (governors, senators, and representatives) have publicly stated that they will not be attending the DNC in Charlotte this September, and their number is growing every day.  They are running for their political lives. “The wicked flee though no one pursues…” Isn’t God good?

Thousands of anarchists, agitators, fascists, ad nauseam, will be filling the streets of Charlotte looking to eat their own in this Party of death. Their infantile demands, confused minds, and smashing of car windows, storefront windows, and any other window they can find, has been brought on by the DNC itself. The DNC created this monster and is being consumed by it. “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it himself, and whoever begins a stone rolling will find it roll over on him.” Proverbs 26:27.

This brings us to the labor unions that are none too happy about being in a city with no union hotels. Stuck in a state with no compulsory union membership, which means no payment of dues, “What is a union boss to do?”

Wait … I know… remember when the DNC was held in Chicago in 1968? Oh, I’m sorry, that’s a bad memory for Democrats. Keep praying saints, Aslan is on the move!



Another major venue planned in our national event concerns Stericycle. Midweek, God willing, the saints of OSA will travel to Haw River, NC for two days. Our righteous goal is to shine the light of truth upon the waste management Goliath, Stericycle. Before we arrive in person, however, we are sending out a mailer to the entire community. We tried to purchase billboards and publish a paid ad in the newspaper, but they turned us down. They refuse to participate in what they consider to be a “controversial issue.” Regardless, the community, who already struggles with the pollution that comes from the smoke stacks of Stericycle, will be alerted that some of the ashes polluting their city are the remains of dead babies.

The following is the brochure that will be sent to each residence and business in Haw River. The two principles we are seeking to emphasize are: (a) It takes a village to kill a baby and (b) if the abortion industry cannot dispose of dead children, they cannot kill them. STOP STERICYCLE!!!



Did you know that aborted babies from over 20 states are being transported to Haw River to be incinerated with tons of medical garbage? Did you ever think that your community would be one of the nation’s hubs for burning “unwanted” children in America? It’s happening.

Four thousand preborn babies are murdered every day in America, and Stericycle, the nation’s leading medical waste company, is the go-to service for cleaning up after the act – including right here in your town. At 1168 Porter Avenue in Haw River, Stericycle burns aborted babies and the items used in killing them, billowing out their remains throughout the community in clouds of smoke. Certainly you don’t want that.

Without the help of Stericycle and businesses like it, the abortion industry would collapse. Stericycle is largely responsible for keeping the cycle of death going in our nation by facilitating the collection, transportation and incineration of aborted babies and the items used in their death. This must STOP. You can help!


Why Stericycle is Able to Burn Babies in North Carolina

Current state law says that “unrecognizable” fetuses must be incinerated, and outlines that a baby is only recognizable when it is in the last trimester (7 months and up). Not only is this logic absurd, but it is enabling Stericycle to use Haw River as a virtual Auschwitz for discarded babies.

If state legislators would change the law, or if local officials would enact a regulation prohibiting children from being treated as trash, the incineration of babies in Haw River would end. We urge you to write or call your legislators today and express your outrage regarding this horrific and inhumane practice.


Hold Stericycle Accountable

Stericycle needs to hear from you! They need to know that as a citizen of Haw River you are disgusted that aborted babies from along the East Coast are being shipped to your town, burned to ash and then puffed out through the community in plumes of smoke.

Please call Stericycle plant manager Alan Skrzypczak today at 336-578-8900 and kindly, but firmly, tell him to stop servicing the abortion industry and profiting off of the blood of the innocent preborn.


The Campaign to Stop Stericycle

The Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS) exists to inform the public about Stericycle’s involvement with the abortion industry and to exhort the nation to call upon Stericycle to stop being a part of the village that is working to kill America’s children.

CSS has collected an overwhelming amount of evidence linking Stericyle to the abortion industry, and has uncovered sickening truths about the company’s collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children. This includes recorded admissions from Stericycle and government documents that certify the use of Stericycle by the abortion industry.

Visit today to learn more, and to find out about ways that you can join us in the fight!


Fast and Pray: July 5-8

To help prepare the way, Flip and I are calling for a time to fast and pray for three days. It will begin on Thursday, July 5th, after the lunch meal and conclude on Sunday, July 8th, at lunch time. Please come join us as we seek God to move through our Kingdom efforts this July at our national event. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. 

In this short 4 minute video  (via  View this short video to get a picture of what God’s church has in store for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) when it comes to Charlotte this September 3-5, 2012.  The DNC felt that it would be shoring up its victory in North Carolina by selecting Charlotte as its convention city.  Big mistake!  God is shaking North Carolina to its core – turning it right-side-up in Jesus’ magnificent Name.  God’s church is stepping up and stepping out.  The theology of heaven is bursting into biography in the streets of this city and gates of hell are not prevailing. 
The Charlotte News & Observer, a huge supporter of the DNC’s culture of death, noted that President Obama didn’t even make an appearance at the Democratic State Convention this past week.  Neither did any of his heavy hitting political wags.  They hate the fact they are stuck in Charlotte.  Buyer’s remorse anyone? 
The Democratic Party in North Carolina is in absolute disarray.  Bev Perdue, our Democratic governor, has chosen not to run again, virtually insuring a new Republican governor.  The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) is itself involved in a huge sex scandal.  David Parker, NCDP Chairman, is doing all he can to squelch the sexual allegations between Adrian Ortega, a male, and former NCDP executive director Jay Parmerly, also a male.  Ortega claims Parmerly sexually harassed and continually groped him.  Ortega was fired.  Parmerly resigned.  Ortega, the victim, has filed a defamation suit against Parmerly.  Homosexual bullying anyone?
Speaking of which, when “Amendment One” came up for a vote in June (a state constitutional amendment declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman alone) it won overwhelmingly in a landslide victory with 64% of North Carolinians voting for it.  The vote sent shockwaves to the DNC; “Can’t we go somewhere else?”
Several prominent Democrats (governors, senators, and representatives) have publicly stated that they will not be attending the DNC in Charlotte this September, and their number is growing every day.  They are running for their political lives.  “The wicked flee though no one pursues…”  Isn’t God good?
Thousands of anarchists, agitators, fascists, ad nauseam, will be filling the streets of Charlotte looking to eat their own in this Party of death.  Their infantile demands, confused minds, and smashing of car windows, storefront windows, and any other window they can find, has been brought on by the DNC itself.  The DNC created this monster and is being consumed by it.  “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it himself, and whoever begins a stone rolling will find it roll over on him.” Proverbs 26:27.
This brings us to the labor unions that are none too happy about being in a city with no union hotels. Stuck in a state with no compulsory union membership, which means no payment of dues, “What is a union boss to do?”  


Wait … I know, remember when the DNC was held in Chicago in 1968?  Oh, I’m sorry, that’s a bad memory for Democrats.  


Keep praying saints, Aslan is on the move!  ~ Flip


Last year we held our National Event inOrlando,Florida.  We faced huge obstacles, not the least of which was motel after motel telling us – No!  God brought us to a motel in the “hood.”  Exactly the right spot.  Close to all the abortion mills.  Close to Pastor Victor Morgan and our wonderful host church.  Close to the Orange County Jail where Casey Anthony was incarcerated and released.  Close to the Orange County Court House where the civil trial of abortionist James Pendergraft took place.  He was found guilty and given a 36 million dollar fine.  Talk about visualizing abortionists on trial – we were actually able to witness it.  We were right where God wanted us.  To God be the Glory!

The OSA Orlando event was a rock that, when thrown into the city ofOrlando, sent out Gospel shock waves that traveled far and wide.  Many of the folks working in the hotel gave their hearts to Christ.  Since last July, many who came to the Lord are now settled in home churches.  Pastor Victor Morgan, our host Pastor, is emerging as one of the preeminent leaders in the fight against abortion.  Abortionist James Pendergraft is under more criminal investigation and is in grave danger of losing his medical license permanently.  Abortionist Scott Hye (we visited him in his neighborhood last year) has announced that he will cease child-killing when his contract expires June 5.  John Barros, the faithful sidewalk counselor who confronted Scott with the claims of Christ day after day, continues to witness to him to get right with Jesus.

When the theology of heaven becomes biography in the streets all hell breaks loose and all heaven comes down.  God is just looking for an excuse to show up.  Will you give Him one in Charlotte, July 21-28?

See you at the gates,


The churches in North Carolina are rising up in Jesus’ name and giving fits to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) planning committee. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chair lady for the DNC is apoplectic over all the things that are going wrong. Can anyone see God’s hand in this?  ~ Flip

May 12, 6:01 PM EDT

North Carolina a political headache for Democrats

MITCH WEISS – Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Once a bright spot for President Barack Obama, North Carolina is now more like a political migraine less than four months before Democrats open the party’s national convention in Charlotte.

The causes are plenty.

Labor unions, a core Democratic constituency, are up in arms. Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue isn’t running for re-election; Democrats say she was likely to lose. The state Democratic Party is in disarray over an explosive sexual harassment scandal. Voters recently approved amending the state constitution to ban gay marriage, a position that runs counter to Obama’s. And unemployment in the state remains persistently high.

“Nobody can sugarcoat the fact that we got problems here,” said Gary Pearce, a former Democratic consultant who was an adviser to former Democratic Gov. Jim Hunt. Pearce was referring specifically to state party woes but could have been talking about any of the troubles here for Democrats.

But, he added: “I think the greatest strength that the party has is President Obama. And he’s the thing that people will rally around.”

It wasn’t supposed to be like this – at least that was the hope – when Democrats chose Charlotte to host the national convention, where Obama will formally accept his party’s presidential nomination for a second time, Sept. 4-6.

When Democrats announced the choice in February 2011, they said selecting the Southern city signaled Obama’s intent to fight hard for the conservative-leaning state like he did in 2008. They also highlighted the economic transformation in the state and in Charlotte – from tobacco, textiles and furniture-making to research, energy and banking. Party leaders noted the state’s strong political leadership and expressed hope that a Perdue re-election bid would get a boost from the attention that would be lavished on the convention.

Now traditional Democratic Party groups are threatening huge protests in part because they’re deeply uncomfortable that the convention is being held in one of the least union-friendly states. And thousands of Democrats across the country are calling for the convention to be relocated because of the gay-marriage vote.

Democrats say that won’t happen.

“Charlotte is going to host a great convention,” insisted Mayor Anthony Foxx, who pushed to bring the event to North Carolina’s largest city.

Said Democratic National Convention in Charlotte spokeswoman Joanne Peters: “The convention is staying in Charlotte.”

Republicans point out the obvious.

“North Carolina is a mess for the Democratic Party and for President Obama,” said Republican National Committee spokesman Matt Connelly.

Four years ago, Obama became the first Democrat to carry North Carolina since Jimmy Carter in 1976. He did it by exploiting voter anger at President George W. Bush and assembling a diverse coalition of supporters, including huge numbers of minorities who had never been politically organized and young voters. State law allowed people to register to vote on Election Day, which also meant the large student vote could be tapped.

The campaign also targeted highly educated newcomers to the state.

Obama’s team has been hopeful about replicating that effort, while mindful of the new challenges confronting him here. They note that there are enough states in play that Obama can find a strategy to get the necessary 270 electoral votes to win a second term without the 15 North Carolina offers, while Republican Mitt Romney’s path to victory is more limited, meaning he’s more likely to need a victory here.

Criticism began immediately after Charlotte was announced.

Many labor leaders were upset that the convention would be held in a state that offers few protections for workers and in a city with no union hotels. While some unions plan to attend, more than a dozen trade unions are boycotting. Union protests also are planned for convention week.

But unions aren’t the only ones stirring trouble for Obama.

Politically, things are much different in the state.

State unemployment was 9.7 percent in March, well above the national average of 8.2 percent that month, and it’s much higher in some rural counties.

There’s also the fired-up Republican base that turned out Tuesday to approve the constitutional ban on gay marriage. The vote prompted more than 28,000 people to sign an online petition – by the New York-based Gay Marriage USA – to move the convention from Charlotte. Twitter also was flooded with similar sentiment from angry supporters of same-sex marriage. Obama stated his support for gay marriage a day after the vote.

Democrats want to include gay marriage in the platform to be adopted at the convention. That could create controversy at a gathering that’s intended to promote party unity by drawing attention to a divisive social issue when the economy remains the most pressing concern.

What’s more, the state Democratic Party is in disarray.

With sagging poll numbers, Perdue announced in January that she would not seek a second term. Her decision came on the heels of bruising budget battles with the GOP-controlled Legislature. Republicans in 2010 captured the Legislature for the first time in 140 years.

Then there’s the sex scandal roiling the state party.

State Party Chairman David Parker submitted his resignation Saturday, after weeks of resisting calls to resign amid complaints about his handling of sexual harassment allegations by an ex-worker against former director Jay Parmley. But party activists meeting in Greensboro on Saturday rejected Parker’s resignation, and Parker then said he would stay on the job.

Perdue and other elected Democratic officials had pressured Parker to step down, saying his presence leading the party had become a distraction. Executive Committee member Lloyd Scher said Parker did nothing wrong in following the advice of the party’s attorney in settling the allegations confidentially.

Meanwhile, the state’s former Democratic senator, John Edwards, continues to battle charges in federal court in Greensboro that he masterminded a scheme to use nearly $1 million in secret payments to help hide his pregnant mistress as he ran for president in 2008. He has pleaded not guilty in the case, which has painted an unflattering portrait of the 2004 Democratic vice-presidential nominee.

© 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Homeland Security: Anti Abortion Activists Are Possible Domestic Terrorists

A Homeland Security Unit in Charlotte’s Mecklenburg Police Department is now targeting anti abortion activists as possible domestic terrorists by labeling first amendment protected protests as stalking.

Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, was found guilty of stalking after speaking out against abortions at three “abortion mills.” in the Charlotte area.

A press release by the group was published today:

Charlotte, North Carolina:   In an effort to silence the First Amendment Rights of Christians carrying the message of life to three abortion mills in the city of Charlotte, the “Homeland Security” unit of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department has united with the abortion industry to get the job done.

Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, will appear at the Charlotte School of Law in Charlotte to appeal a “guilty’ verdict for “stalking.”  The charge of “stalking” is simply the latest of many blatant attempts by the abortion industry and the city of Charlotte to remove from the streets gentle Christians who offer mom’s a real choice at abortion mills.  There have been lawsuits, injunctions, temporary restraining orders, and every other imaginable strategy, to silence the Gospel of Christ.

This new North Carolina “stalking” statute is so egregious because it can be used by virtually anyone to silence the First Amendment rights of another by simply saying that he or she “feels” threatened.

Regardless of your views on abortion, the idea that Homeland Security agents are now involved in policing political speech is another chilling example of how deep the police state in America has become.

Please watch this five minute video.

Thank you all so very much for coming to the Appeals court to encourage me.  I knew my court appointed attorney did not know Christ.  I found that out last Thursday morning when we met for the first time.  I knew he was a Democrat, a Quaker, pro-abortion, and going to vote for Barack Obama again this year.  I knew the cards were stacked against us in the court room..  I knew that two of the judges would be very ideologically and theologically opposed to the stand we take for Christ. 

I thought I would be pretty much alone.  Oh, I knew that God would never leave nor forsake me but, for whatever reason, I felt forsaken when I arrived at the Charlotte School of Law – alone.  I entered the building, turned down the hall to the left, found a seat at the end of the hall and just sat down – alone.  I was feeling pretty sorry for “Me.”  It was hard for me to pray.  I didn’t want to pray.  I felt forsaken by a country I love and am very thankful for.  I felt forsaken by God’s church.  I was having a pity party of unbelievable magnitude.  The whole world had shrunk to just me – poor, pitiful “Me.”  And I was all alone, though there were many people in the room with “Me.”  I was alone.

I was thinking only of “Me” – alone!

My son David put out a very moving appeal for folks to pray for his dad this April 2, 2012, and an invitation to come to the court hearing.  Tears welled-up in my eyes.  Then, many of you emailed me or left messages on my phone that were all pointing me to Jesus.  But I was busy with “Me.”  Though I appreciated all the encouraging words,  I simply felt forsaken.

Have you noticed how many times I have talked about “Me” and how “Me” was “feeling.”

God brought to my selfish, whiney little mind a picture I had seen earlier that morning.  It was a picture of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani who was hung earlier this very same morning.  He was hung from a crane that was brought in just for that purpose by the Iranian regime.  He was hung because he was a Christian.  He died for his faith.  He died well.  He had run his lap of the race.  He finished the course.  (we did receive a notification that Pastor Youcef has been executed in Iran but no other news outlets have verified this that we are aware of, we hope and pray that his execution has not been carried out and that Pastor Youcef is still alive) It was “my turn now!” 

It was then that I saw Kathy Pavkovic and Lisa Metzger at the end of the hall.  They were coming to encourage “Me” to run the race marked out.  They did not come sympathize with poor pitiful “Me.”  They had come to encourage me to gut it up, shut-up, and continue storming the gates of hell.  By the way, I found that I was not alone.  I was not forsaken.  Then I saw my son David and all of our grandkids walk into the courtroom surrounded by our great friends from “Cities 4 Life.”  They were looking to “Me” as a man who follows hard after Christ.  I have a calling.  I have a Savior.  His Name is Jesus.

I do well understand John’s doubt when he was imprisoned (Matthew 11:1-6) and Jesus’ admonition to him “…blessed is the man who does not fall way on my account.”  I have come to understand my wretched “Me” a little bit better now. 

I want to thank you all for your prayers, presence and fellowship with “Me,” as sorry as I am, during these very small sufferings for Christ.  They are so little compared to all that He has done for “Me.”

I agree with the video.  “All I have is Christ,” and you to encourage me to “run to the roar.’

Thank you all!

In Christian love,


PS.  Please don’t forget to pray for Clifton Howell and Jo Scott who will be going through the very same thing I just went through as they appeal their case before a three judge panel at Denver School of law on Wednesday, April 4, 2012.    

Please pray for Flip tomorrow.  He is to appear before three judges at the Charlotte School of Law to appeal his “guilty” verdict for stalking.  The court hearing will be at 1:00 PM EST.

Thank you in advance.  All glory be to God!    

Press Release


2 April, 2012


For Immediate Release:

Homeland Security Unites with Abortion Industry to Silence Gospel

Charlotte, North Carolina:   In an effort to silence the First Amendment Rights of Christians carrying the message of life to three abortion mills in the city of Charlotte, the “Homeland Security” unit of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department has united with the abortion industry to get the job done.

Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, will appear at the Charlotte School of Law in Charlotte to appeal a “guilty’ verdict for “stalking.”  The charge of “stalking” is simply the latest of many blatant attempts by the abortion industry and the city of Charlotte to remove from the streets gentle Christians who offer mom’s a real choice at abortion mills.  There have been lawsuits, injunctions, temporary restraining orders, and every other imaginable strategy, to silence the Gospel of Christ.

This new North Carolina “stalking” statute is so egregious because it can be used by virtually anyone to silence the First Amendment rights of another by simply saying that he or she “feels” threatened.  How dangerous are Christians living out their faith in the streets of their city anyway?  We are moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, little boys and girls, standing in the gap on behalf of preborn children.  We are families living out the Gospel of Christ in the streets of our city.  Now, with the help of the Department of Homeland Security, we are considered “stalkers.”  God help us!

Why?  Perhaps it is because of the fact that, since October 28, 2009, there have been 1,340 baby boys and girls saved from abortion and alive today because of the faithful witness of Christians at abortion mills.  These children represent a lot of lost revenue to the abortion industry here.  So now we have the unholy alliance of the “Domestic Terrorism” Department of the CMPD and the abortion industry working hand in glove to chill First Amendment activities of Christians by labeling the Christian witness as “stalking.”

What:             Rev. Benham Appeals Court Hearing

Address:         Charlotte School of Law, 2145 Suttle Ave., Charlotte, North Carolina

Date:               Monday, April 2, 2012

Time:              1:00 PM

Contact:         Rev. Flip Benham (980) 722-4920 or Dr. Pat McEwen (321) 431 3962

The Charlotte Observer headlined its story this Monday morning, February 13, 2012, “Country’s First Openly Gay Bishop Preaches Inclusivity Beyond Hospitality.” 

V. Gene Robinson is widely known for being the first openly gay, non-celibate priest to be ordained a bishop in a major Christian denomination.  He divorced his wife and two children in the mid 1980’s to live with his homosexual lover Andrew Marcus, and somehow the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire enthroned him as Bishop in March of 2003.

This enthroning shocked the entire world – not just the church world.  It almost resulted in a split between the Anglican Church in England and the Episcopal Church here in America.  Many conservative Episcopalians left the church as a result of the insanity of enthroning a practicing homosexual, who divorced his wife and children, to the office of Bishop.  Nevertheless this Bishop, enslaved in perverted homosexual sodomy, was lauded yesterday in the openly pro-homosexual pages of the Charlotte Observer. 

Several Christians attended the services at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in downtown Charlotte, to confront V. Gene Robinson in his sin, that he might come to know Jesus and true liberation from the bondage of homosexual sodomy.  The Word of God, though often on the lips of Rev. Murdock Smith, Pastor of St Martin’s, has taken a severe beating under his headship over the past several years.

Here is one simple example from the mouth of Bishop Robinson who made it abundantly clear that he is the determiner of what the Word of God says.  He exclaimed, “I believe the Bible to be the Word of God but not the Words of God.”  Thereby granting himself license to shred the text of Scripture to make it say whatever he wants it to say.  I sat amazed and  deeply disturbed that his infantile and narcissistic presentation, meant to rationalize and justify his own blatant sin, was actually nailing Jesus Christ to the cross again.  It was a direct frontal assault on His Truth, demanding that Jesus “shut-up or die,” and listen to Gene’s interpretation of the truth.

It was at this point that I spoke so that all could hear, but in the decorum of the service; “Gene, homosexual sodomy is called a sin everywhere in the Bible.  Sin brings separation from God.  Why do you call that which God calls evil, good?  God hates sin because it destroys His people, brings death, and leads to an eternity in hell.  If we truly love our neighbor who is lost in the bondage of sexual sin, the most loving thing we could do is tell him the truth.” 

I realized that we were dealing with a very dangerous wolf.  He had no desire to understand but only to express his own opinion.  He was clothed in a beautiful Bishop’s smock and gave the appearance that he cared but he came only to scatter, confuse, and destroy Jesus’ lambs.  He is confused and conflicted himself and is taking great pains to spread his malady and unbelief to others.  He is a liar and a thief.  He has made God’s house a den of robbers – him being the chief. 

We left the service after the question and answer period, where my wonderful friend Ante Pavkovic stood and read Romans 1: 21-27 and asked the Bishop to please explain that section of Scripture.  The Bishop had no explanation and simply pointed out that “…that was then and this is now.” 

I next saw Gene in the parking lot standing right next to my car, sneaking a smoke.  I asked him how long he had been sober, and he proudly announced that it had been six years since he had his last drink.  I asked him about his wife and two daughters, and he told me that he now had two grandchildren.  This man desperately needs Jesus.  Unfortunately for him, He believes he already has him.

“They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.  For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” 

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.   


Below is Ante Pavkovic’s report of our Gospel Proclamation at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church:

As a Christian who sat through both the service and the question and answer time, I must say that I am appalled at the ignorance or deliberate deception V. Gene Robinson displayed during that time.  His complete misrepresentation of what the Bible actually teaches was disturbing. 

He loves to use logical fallacies to prove his foolish points.  Just because some people PERVERTED what the Bible said in order to justify slavery does not mean we reject what the Bible ACTUALLY SAYS about slavery.  Just because some, not many, PERVERTED THE BIBLE in order to oppress women does not mean we reject what the Bible says about men, women, family, husbands, wives, children and marriage.  But this is just one of his many tactics—deception.  The irony is that Gene is JUST LIKE those who misused the Scripture to justify the above wrong-doings.  He has joined them in PERVERTING the Bible to justify his own sexual perversion and deviancy.  He is just like the slave-owner and the oppressor of women that he says he despises. 

His argument would be no different than if a group suddenly arose and said that the Bible does not condemn adultery, and that we need to be inclusive of this way of life, and that in the past people have used the Bible to condemn those who engaged in adultery.  The arguments used to justify something the Word of the Lord plainly condemns—homosexuality , can be used to justify any sinful action.  The position of Robinson is simply this, though he will never openly admit it—“I reject the Bible, I reject its teachings, I reject its God, but I come in the name of Jesus to PRETEND I don’t, so I can make you believe we are following the Bible while we blatantly disobey and encourage the things it says are an ABOMINATION in the sight of the Lord”   That is what V. Gene is really about.

He is not a minister of God, but a servant of Satan-the great deceiver.  The Bible tells us over and over that many false teachers would come in Christ’s name and would deceive many.  Two of the signs of a false teacher is an adulterous life, or a homosexual one.  In the books of Jude and 2 Peter 2, we are told that prior to the return of the Lord, that the Sodomites would be in the midst of God’s people, those enslaved by their unclean lusts, to deceive and seduce.  St. Martin’s Episcopal Church is not a Christian fellowship, but a habitation of every unclean thing and demon-power.  All those people are lost sinners who refuse to repent and follow the Lord in holiness, righteousness, and purity, which the Lord graces His followers with so as to live godly lives in this present adulterous and wicked generation. 

If you want to see what “wolves in sheep’s clothing” look like, look no further  than Bishop Gene and St. Martin’s.  If you want to see unbiblical ceremonies that make a vain outward show—if you want to see people dressed up in lavish costumes and robes to pretend they are spiritual, then look no further than St. Martin’s.  All the ceremony and pomp is a testimony to their spiritual bankruptcy and rebellion toward God. 

Real Christians repent of their sin, their fingers point first to themselves, they seek to justify none of it.  They come to the Lord filthy, and Jesus Christ washes our sin away with His precious blood.  He fills us with His HOLY Spirit, and causes us to walk in His ways.  We want to obey Him because we love Him.  No one who justifies sin in their lives or in the lives of others is one of His.  Those who promote sin reveal who they really are, no matter what they say.  Paul the Apostle warned us about prophets who claim they are of God, but are not.  Hear him:

“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”  Titus 1:16.

Enjoy this testimony of Jesus’ incredible working in the heart of a young man who is now totally given over to Christ and His mission.  ~ Flip


My Second Trip to an Abortion Mill

Jonathan Devore, February 8, 2012

I want to first and foremost start off by giving praise and glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, I would be lost and bound for hell. But I give thanks to the One who saves sinners like myself and to Him all the praise is due! 

“Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” – Psalm 115:1 

On Saturday February 4th 2012 I went out to the “Family Reproductive Health” abortion mill at 700 East Hebron St. in Charlotte, NC. This was my first trip in any capacity to an abortion mill to share the Gospel, pray and talk to people about what they are about to do when they enter through those doors of the abortion mill and try to offer help. 

I was blown away by the amount of people out there on a cold and rainy Saturday morning. We showed up and people were out there on the microphone preaching the Gospel and talking to people as they entered the parking lot to get rid of their “problem”. Ministering at an abortion mill isn’t what I expected at all. I was blown away by the presence of God in and through me and others. When I was out there at the mill, all I wanted to do was be in a constant state of prayer and cry out to God that He would save a baby’s life that day and bring salvation to even one person!  

When I was at the mill and walking back in forth in the rain praying, I remembered something that took place in my life over 10 years ago. I was looking at the mill, looking back at South Boulevard and this place looked very familiar. Over 10 years ago, my girlfriend at the time had got pregnant and we were shocked. I told her that whatever decision she made I would support her. We went to that same abortion mill and got an abortion and literally killed our unborn baby. I couldn’t believe it, I was at the same abortion mill where I allowed my girlfriend to get an abortion, and now I was praying over the unborn babies and the mothers that were about to get an abortion! Unbelievable. 10 years ago, I would have viewed the people out there protesting as being “radical” Christians that are nuts. Now, because Jesus Christ has saved me, I was one of them on the other side of the fence! Praise be to God! I thank the Lord that he has saved my soul even after I allowed the murder of my unborn baby. Praise the Lord that He paid the price and the penalty for my sin on the cross! 

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” – Romans 8:1  

After going out to the mill and experiencing it first hand, I can’t wait to get more involved and go back out there. I am even planning on going out again this Saturday morning. Praise the Lord! I want to be a part of this ministry because first and foremost we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ and I want to proclaim the Gospel to others and in turn talk to them about the consequence and danger of abortion and offer help! 

“Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,  for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” – Ephesians 6:19-20 

I highly and strongly recommend other followers of Jesus Christ to come out to an abortion mill. It is something that you will never fully understand or see unless you come out and see it firsthand. The Gospel is preached. We offer help to others in need. We pray. We don’t condone what they are doing at an abortion mill, but we also don’t condemn people. We speak truth in love to people that need to hear it. I encourage others to go out and be bold for Christ and see what I experienced firsthand as well!

There is no doubt in my mind that this was one of the most impacting weekends ever in the city of Charlotte as it concerns the gospel of Christ advancing against the gates of hell (local abortion mills) in our city.  A great big shout out to Rusty Thomas, Alex Kendrick, David and Jason Benham, Cities4Life, and all the local pro-life ministries that made this gospel proclamation possible.  The theology of heaven, indeed, descended upon the city of Charlotte and became biography in her streets. ~ Flip

“When the cry of repentance from the Church of Jesus Christ is greater than the cry of innocent blood filling God’s ears, then, and only then, will He be free to hear our prayer, forgive our sin, and heal our land.”  Brother Butch Berget    


Roe vs. Wade Memorial Weekend 2012

We experienced a whirlwind event in Charlotte, NC this past weekend. Rev. Flip Benham’s sons, David and Jason, put together a Roe vs. Wade Memorial weekend headed up by Alex Kendrick. Alex and his brother Stephen lead Sherwood Pictures who produced Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, and the recent release Courageous. I believe a powerful seed was sown in Charlotte, NC and something of great spiritual significance was birthed that will have a ripple effect throughout our country.

On Friday morning, January 20th, a group of Christians, media and business leaders met for a breakfast sponsored by the Benham Real Estate Group. David Benham and Alex addressed the meeting. There was a powerful challenge issued. Alex related God’s dealings in his life that birthed a dream in his heart to make motion pictures that would pierce the darkness of Hollywood.

He is sold out for the cause of Christ. He is the real deal. He publicly declared that if he did anything to shame the Lord in his position that he wanted the Lord to take him out. The essence of his message could be summed up in the admonishment of the Apostle Paul. 1 Corinthians 9:27 states, “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

Roe vs. Wade Memorial Service and States of Refuge Press Conference




Rev. Flip Benham Praying for our Gathering

Friday at noon the saints gathered in downtown Charlotte to participate in the Roe vs. Wade Memorial service and to kick off the new national States of Refuge campaign. Rev. Flip Benham, Alex Kendrick, David Benham, Jeanette Wilson, Ante Pavkovic and I had the privilege to address downtown Charlotte with God’s word.

Brother Flip encouraged the saints with a message that we are winning the battle against the culture of death. He stated:

We believe that now, with the numbers of abortions down by almost 40 percent, the number of abortion mills has dropped almost 65 percent, and the number of doctors doing abortions has also dropped close to 40 percent, we are winning this battle. The time is now for the Church to rise up and wait not for political parties, or the president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court to take care of the issue. It is our responsibility. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church of Jesus Christ.

Alex Kendrick stated that he was deeply disturbed by the evil of abortion, “It grieves my heart and the heart of God.” He further declared, “Whoever wants the next generation the most will get them!” Does the Church want to save this generation more than the world seeks to murder them? Truly, when the cry of the repentance of the Church is greater than the cry of innocent blood, God will end the American holocaust.

Brother David Benham admonished the saints to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the gates of hell. He quoted Proverbs 1:20-22:

Wisdom cries without; she utters her voice in the streets: She cries in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she utters her words, saying, How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

Jeanette Wilson shared powerful testimonies of lives spared and souls saved at the three abortion mills in Charlotte. Brother Ante shared how God opened his eyes to see how God was using Operation Save America to expose the hidden powers of darkness in our nation. Satan is overt in other nations, but he is stealth in America. Satan keeps his cool in the Church of America and convinces most in our society that he doesn’t exist, but when the saints confront abortion, homosexuality, and Islam, demons manifest. For him, this was the clearest sign that Operation Save America was exercising true biblical Christianity and he had to join the fray.


States of Refuge Interview at Roe vs. Wade Memorial Service


States of Refuge Press Statement

“Come now, and let us reason together, said the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

Operation Save America is embarking on a new national vision we are calling States of Refuge, Operation: first Abortion Free States. It is based upon a concept discovered in the Old Testament. The Biblical model we are seeking to apply in America today is the Cities of Refuge. As you may recall, there were six Levitical cities set apart in Israel for refuge in the cases of questionable deaths. These cities were established by God to provide asylum till proof of innocence or guilt against the accused could be established. These cities were also designed to protect Israel from blood guiltiness, lest the avenger of blood pursue and kill innocent people. States of Refuge seeks this same protection in our time.

Through much prayer and research, we have determined that there are five states in America with one death camp, (abortion mill), remaining defiling our beloved land. This represents the abortion industry and the culture of death it has spawned at their weakest and most vulnerable points. It also represents for the Church of Jesus Christ our greatest opportunity for victory in these tumultuous times!

Operation Save America is devoting this next year to apply our prayers, labor and resources in these five states, which are Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. It is our blessed hope that God will honor the faith and efforts of His people and will be pleased to liberate America from blood guilt, starting with these five states.

It is our sincere prayer that when people hear of this vision, it will resonate in their souls. We pray they will add a hearty amen and desire to participate in this glorious opportunity to defeat this grave evil in our day.

We are calling upon the Church to join this effort. God’s word states, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” May the States of Refuge carry this mandate and may God be pleased to heal our wounded land in Jesus’ mighty name!


Cities4Life Banquet



Alex Kendrick was the key note speaker at the second Cities4Life banquet. Cities4Life is a vision whose time has come. It seeks to network different aspects of the church, community, medical, and pro-life ministries to create a culture of life that dispossess the culture of death. It seeks to marry the prophetic, front line ministry presenting the gospel of the kingdom at the gates of hell with supportive, mercy ministries.

About 750 folks came out to be challenged with this powerful mission. Church, pro-life, business, and cultural leaders were all in attendance. I believe their lives and the city of Charlotte will never be the same again. I highly recommend their website, and their Christian/pro-life model for cities to emulate throughout our nation.


Taking it to the Streets



Shantelle and Jose chose life for their baby after seeing the sonogram of their baby in the incredible sonogram RV.

At the end of the Cities4Life banquet, a call was issued to go to the Latrobe abortion mill. 139 people answered the call and showed up the next morning in the freezing rain. The death camp did not know what hit them. The Kingdom of God was forcefully advanced against the culture of death. A mobile sonogram unit, tents, signs, banners, sound system and most importantly, the love and truth of Christ was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil.

For many, it was the first time they came to an abortion mill to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ. I suspect it will not be their last. God opened eyes and broke hearts as the gospel went forth and spared children from death and saved souls from sin. There were about four children saved and one young man surrendered his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It was glorious!


Special Prayer Request




Alex Kendrick and I in downtown Charlotte, NC kicking off States of Refuge Campaign at the Roe vs. Wade Memorial Service.

I will conclude this report with a special prayer request. Please pray for Alex and Stephen Kendrick. For Alex, it was his first time going to an abortion mill as well. His heart was plowed. He strikes me as a man that will obey the Lord, no matter the cost. If God reveals His will, I believe Alex will do his best to follow. Perhaps, God will call him to utilize his considerable talent and treasure to “Face the Giants” destroying our nation in Jesus’ name!