Tentative Schedule for OSA’s States of Refuge Campaign 2013

(Notice: time and events are subject to change)

1) Jackson, Mississippi: We are inching closer to the first abortion Free State. We may need to go back like the minute men of old to help secure this victory. Be ready to move when the call is proclaimed.

2) National Event, July 14-20, 2013,  Rochester, NY: has been chosen for this year’s national event. Mike Warren and Jerry Crawford need our help to break up some strong demonic strongholds. They are praying that our coming will revive the church and the ministry needed to defeat child sacrifice in their communities.

3) Washington DC national call: When the firstfruits of the States of Refuge campaign comes to pass and the Lord secures the first abortion free state, we will give the call to come to Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial for the national unveiling of the Emancipation Proclamtion for the Preborn Child. There may also be a meeting at the Capitol to unveil the scroll of signatures reminiscent of William Wilbeforce unveiling the signatures in Parliament calling for the end of slavery.

4) North Dakota and South Dakota, October: We are planning a regional event sometime in the fall that will cover two of the States of Refuge, North Dakota and South Dakota. North Dakota stands on the verge of passing a personhood amendment. A call to rescue may be in order. The two cities that house the death camps, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Fargo, Noth Dakota are three and a half hours from each other.

5) There may be other opportunites this year, (Wichita, KS) but this covers most of the year. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. God bless you all as we run the race of faith together and trust the Lord to watch over his Word as we proclaim it throughout our nation in Jesus’ name!

The folks in North Dakota are doing great work breaking from the failed incremental “pro-life” strategies of the past and unsheathing the Word of God through “Personhood.”  Declaring, as a state, that children in the womb are “persons” opens the door, under color of the law, to protect all preborn children from conception to birth and beyond.  It also opens the door for rescuing children being led away to the slaughter if the last remaining abortion mill in North Dakota should dare continue doing abortions.

Shout out to God with a voice of triumph!  When we do thing His Way, the gates of hell cannot prevail. ~ Flip

Note from Dr. Pat McEwen, February 11, 2013

North Dakota has passed a no exceptions Personhood Bill in the ND State Senate – The ND House will still have to vote on their version but the House is more prolife than the Senate.  The following is from our friend Dan Becker, Field Rep for Personhood USA and President of Georgia Right to Life.  Dan perfected his model of working with State legislators in Georgia to be truly pro-life not just pro-some life.

“ALL passed with NO exceptions! In fact last year’s Personhood Bill HB 1450 did have a Rape & Incest exception but we defeated 4 longtime Senators in the primary and nobody was willing to offer the exceptions again this year.  We direct mailed every voter in their district with a hard-hitting mail piece. The ND Senate Majority Leader was reported to admit it scared the rest of the Senators.  This is what I have been saying . . . the prolife movement needs to establish the standard and require all politicians to acknowledge.”

The Sword of the Spirit has been unsheathed in North Dakota and God is watching over His Word to perform it.  This was accomplished by changing the hearts of the legislators.  Now the battle for North Dakota is on.  Changing the hearts of the legislators is one step BUT we must change the hearts of the people of North Dakota or we will see delays and non -enforcement and all other tricks of the pro death agenda.  This change takes place, not in the halls of the legislature, but on the streets, in the market place and right at the gates of hell.  That is what we do best!  Will North Dakota be a State of Refuge?  We are calling to gather Jesus’ gentle warriors in October, 2013, to storm the gates of hell – see you there.


Here is what Gualberto Garcia Jones, Legal Counsel, Personhood USA, had to say about the ND senate victory:

North Dakota Takes A Major Step Toward History

Justice delayed is justice denied.


That pithy summary of all we hold to be true at Personhood USA has become our rallying cry. As the largest personhood organization in America, we have carried the fight to end abortion to all fifty states, and around the world. Our rally cry has particularly caught on in North Dakota where the state Senate has just passed a constitutional amendment to protect all life and a ban on abortion!

Several weeks ago North Dakota lawmakers introduced SB 2302, a bill that would establish that children in the embryonic stage must be treated ethically and with dignity. Today that bill passed and is headed to a vote in the North Dakota House of Representatives. While this is great news, it has set up a major battle in the state as the corrupt abortion industry and their allies in the unregulated fertility industry have let loose a cannonade of lies to intimidate pro-life legislators.

This is a battle that we welcome, and we wear the attacks from the abortion industry and their allies in North Dakota as a badge of honor! The pro-lifers in North Dakota supported by Personhood North Dakota have reshaped the public perception of abortion and elevated the sanctity of life.

Win or lose, one thing that you can be sure of is that we will continue to fight to put an end to abortion in the FlickertailState once and for all! As Winston Churchill said about Great Britain’s struggle against the Nazi’s in World War II, we say about the fight against the culture of death.:

“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in Gods good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”


Great picture of Cal here doing what he does best.  Standing in the gap on behalf of our Lord’s precious preborn babies. Read it here via the Bismarck Tribune.

Enjoy! Flip

Missionaries to the Preborn came out to the gates of hell in Fargo, North Dakota, following our guys who did Word and Warfare the week before.  All hell broke loose and all heaven came down as the theology of heaven became biography in the streets of Fargo.  Below are some news stories that will encourage your heart.

Enjoy! ~ Flip

I had the privilege to meet up with the Missionaries to the Preborn and do a little street preaching with them before the flight back home yesterday. Their phase of the States of Refuge campaign has rocked Fargo ND’s world. The news coverage is just what happened on the streets. It does not cover what happened at the abortion mill today. About 25-30 deathscorts came out to defend the place of death. Cops were everywhere. After all, it is a crime scene. The saints lined the streets to expose the hidden works of darkness. They preached, prayed, praised, and confronted the merchants of death with the truth and love of Christ.

It is so exciting to see the States of Refuge take off in earnest. The wave after wave affect is in full swing. Keep praying, participating, and supporting this vision and mission as we trust God for the first abortion free states in America. The following brief message and links to the news coverage is from Pastor Matt Terwhella.

Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas 

Missionaries to the Preborn

May 2nd, 2012

Dear Friends of the Preborn,

All praise and honor be unto our Savior and King, Jesus Christ!

Here is some of the press coverage from our team’s efforts yesterday. We thank the Lord when we get news coverage because it takes our efforts beyond the streets we stand on and into thousands of homes! Much of this coverage was picked up by other news agencies and broadcast in other parts of North Dakota besides Fargo where they were.

The team is spending a second day in Fargo today. This morning they are outside the deathcamp itself. [As a sidenote: Jason Storms charges from Monday in Sioux Falls is NOT a ticket but a state misdemeanor – please keep that situation in prayer.]

News coverage links:


