Doc Johnston has written an amazing article which takes all argument away from the “Life of the mother” exception clause. I was so blessed to read it because, for the first time, I was able to see the heart of God smashing to smithereens this very subtle lie of the devil. Most of us have had great difficulty dealing with this issue simply because we are not physicians and do not have the knowledge that doctors have to know what God would have us do in difficult cases like “the life of the Mother.” Doc takes God’s Word and opens it up for us to see what God Himself would have us do.

Thanks for your labors for Jesus’ precious preborn children Doc. You have glorified our Lord (given the correct estimation of Him) and helped us all to unsheathe the Sword if the Spirit and allow it to do its terrible yet magnificent work!


Chet is garnering some more press for the Christians living out their faith at the gates of hell in Jackson, Mississippi.  Pray that Mississippi will soon become the first abortion free state in America. ~ Flip

Here is a news story written by Heather Clark for Christian News Report concerning our brother Chet Gallagher and his arrest at the last remaining abortion mill in the state of Mississippi last Thursday.  At the end of the report you will see a 42 second video of the arrest.

God richly bless retired Las Vegas police officer Chet Gallagher.  ~ Flip


Our brother Chet Gallagher gives us all a great exhortation in this letter written the day before he was falsely arrested for preaching the Gospel of Christ on the corner of a public sidewalk outside the last remaining abortion mill in the state of Mississippi.  After Chet was released he went right back to the spot where he was arrested and preached again.  Reminiscent of Acts 5:25-29.  ~ Flip



The plea for “the church to be the church,” be it in Mississippi or elsewhere, has been our consistent and passionate cry to heaven.  Yet still, she turns a deaf ear to the cry of the helpless and the innocent being led away to slaughter and willfully determines to sing a little louder.  In these critical days of the 40th year she seems to be singing even louder still. 

Here in Jackson recently, after a seemingly positive response to my “transition-from-law-enforcement-to-ministry” testimony at the annual Prolife Mississippi Banquet last week, attended by 400 or so, pastor Doug Lane invited all to the streets to Jericho march with us.  Sadly in the end, our numbers increased by only a handful the next morning.  But the marching orders were the same every day until our 7th day of victory tomorrow, April 16, in the year of our Lord 2013.

The deafening silence of the church is one thing but when the wicked are justified then the just, by default, must be condemned.  It brings a “double abomination” according to Prov 17:15: “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both [are] abomination to the LORD.”  

We are fast tracking to the full judgment of our God, which I believe can be seen in this recent act of federal judicial tyranny.  However, friends, consider the judgment of God. God’s judgment is manifested in many ways.

Could it be that, a passage from Job 9:24 is evidence that the church of Jesus Christ continues to be judged for her idolatry, apathy, for justifying the wicked and for giving consent to the condemnation of the just?

“Silence”…after all is unsaid and not done..,”gives consent!” 

In this context then, consider Job 9:24 (NIV) “When a land falls into the hands of the wicked, he blindfolds its judges. If it is not he, then who is it?”  Could it be that under this curse and judgment of God, even righteous judges are blinded by Him and rendered incapable of ruling righteously so that evil may reach its full fruition and warrant the wrath of a just God?

We are still here in Jackson, MS, crying aloud for the church to end the killing, but frankly our tireless pleas are met only with blank, dazed stares or heads shaking with denial and disbelief.  If the church of Jesus Christ remains silent much longer her vocal chords will atrophy and she won’t have a voice to raise, even if she tries to speak out.  It will be too late for her as it has been too late for the least of His.

There is hope…Rusty made a promise last week to the prolife Mississippi folks right after completing the third day of a seven day Jericho march.  “We will not only continue to support and encourage you but count on us to be your ‘Minute Men.”  How that translates into action, we pray the Holy Spirit will direct.  BUT if He is speaking to you to be ready, please obey and get ready should such a “Macedonian Minute Man” call go out to you.

ABC’s Nightline News producers are in town and have been for days and will be until week’s end.  One of them asked me today how I felt about the (proaborts) celebration this morning over yesterday’s victory in court.  I told him that every day they are here they celebrate the murder of those they slaughter.  Today is only slightly different in that Judge Daniels, a professing Christian, has justified the wicked.

By further delaying the closure of the last murder mill in Mississippi, this “Christian” magistrate has condemned more and more innocent children to their gruesome death.  He could have stopped the flow of their innocent blood into the city streets and thus a further curse would have been abated.

Friend, the bloodlust here is real.  The reality, too, of Hosea 4:2 continues to be manifest “…bloodshed touches bloodshed.”  Was it a mere coincidence that blood was shed in Boston’s streets yesterday at about the same time this federal tyrant’s order justifying the wicked took place?  The world would never make such a connection because the church refuses to “connect the dots” and preach the whole counsel of God’s Word.

Cal, Corrie and David Zastrow, myself and many local Mississippi friends will be completing the “Jericho March” tomorrow marching 7 times around this well protected place of child sacrifice to demons.  Though you can’t be here tomorrow at 7:30 AM to stand with these gentle Jackson believers, as other OSA friends like Rusty last week (and today Leslie Hanks who comes from Denver), will you pray with us that a miracle will happen?

Maybe such a small and seemingly hopeless act of living out our faith walk through a seven day Jericho March could be used of God, quite creatively, for His divine purpose.  Those who are able to “Just Show Up!” may witness a great miracle if we expect one and join together in expectant intercession!

Remember, there is only One Judge Who is never blinded in His Justice.  His Name is Jesus, and His judgments are always true and frequently…swift.

For our only God and King, King Jesus!


Our good friend Chet Gallagher was arrested yesterday by a police department hell bent on removing the Gospel of Christ from the last remaining abortion mill in the state of Mississippi.  Several others have been arrested on ludicrous charges for preaching the Gospel of Christ and reaching out to mothers and fathers in crisis pregnancy situations at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization (JWHO).  The Mississippi State Department of Health was blocked from shutting this mill down on April 18, 2013, by a federal judge who extended an injunction he granted several months ago to keep this filthy abortion mill going despite of the protestations of the state of Mississippi’s Health Department.

The people of Mississippi want this abortion mill shut down.

The Church of Jesus Christ in Mississippi wants this abortion mill shut down.

The Mississippi State Department of Health wants this abortion mill shut down.

Both Houses in the state of Mississippi Legislature want this abortion mill shut down.

The Governor of Mississippi wants this abortion mill shut down.

The devil will do anything to prevent gentle Christians from presenting to God the first abortion free state. The gates of hell, however will not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ.  Here is an article from Rusty calling us all into action.

Let the theology of heaven become biography in the streets of Jackson Mississippi!  ~ Flip



Please pass this information on to your lists. We must put pressure on the state of MS to reign in these police officers who are harrassing God’s people who are trying to save lives. Thank you!

Acts 5:17-20 declares:  Then the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with indignation, and laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison. But at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.”  

These are the details of Chet Gallagher’s arrest. He has been charged with obstructing the sidewalk and resisting arrest. The second charge was not violent resistance to being arrested, it was due to the fact Chet continued to preach God’s Word on a public sidewalk when the officer asked him to come across the street. 

The bail was set for $1,341.00. This corrupt police department is playing hardball against God’s people who are simply trying to save lives. Again I repeat, “WOE BE UNTO THEM!!!”

Chet, however, did not skip a beat. Like the Apostles before him, he went right back to the place of his arrest and took up God’s word in his mouth and continues to give the death camp heaven in Jesus’ name! To those of you who name the name of Christ, is there not a cause? 

We need to put out a national call and flood the governor’s office, Jackson city mayor’s office, and the police chief’s office and demand they reign in these lapdog police officers who work for this death camp rather than the citizens of Jackson, MS. Please call or write and register a complaint against the ongoing harassment perpetrated by those who police the last remaining death camp in MS. Perhaps, it will help save some more lives till the Lord shuts it down once and for all in Jesus’ name!

 Governor Bryant office: 



Harvey Johnson Jackson Mayor’s Office:


Jackson Police Department:




US District Court Judge Daniel P. Jordan extends an injunction he issued several months ago to block the State of Mississippi from shutting down forever the last remaining abortion mill in the state.  It is amazing how the devil uses the court system in America to continue moving his agenda of robbing, killing, and destroying.  There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the courts in America hate Almighty God.  “…all who hate me love death.”  Proverbs 8:36. 

Our courts have been the devil’s lapdog for years pouring out foolish decisions that bring with them only death.  This federal judge blocked the will of the people of Mississippi, the will of the state to stop all abortions, and the will of God to bring life and not death.

Pray for the saints in Mississippi.  May they continue moving forward in the mighty Name of Jesus – the gates of hell will not prevail!   ~ Flip

This is a great five minute video with an incredible historical perspective from the actual Supreme Court hearings of Roe v. Wade in January of 1973.

 Enjoy!  ~ Flip

“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of.  Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends determined to be free.  And heaven and earth will aid the resolution.  On you depend the fortunes of America.  You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.”   –Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, 1775

“If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that, ‘It is not by might, but by My Spirit.’” – Jonathan Goforth (February 10, 1859 – October 8, 1936, (Missionary to China)

Here’s the newsletter!  ~ Flip


Invitation to OSA National Event, July 24th -31st, Rochester,NY 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:  Jerry Crawford and I are delighted to extend an invitation to you and yours to join us in contending for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and for Life in Rochester, NY this July 24-31st. For forty years the American Church has wandered in the wilderness, seeing a rise of Godlessness and 55 million children destroyed as a result of the United States forsaking our Biblical heritage and foundations.  Yet the promise of Isaiah 60: 1-3 rings true.  “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

Could it be that OSA Rochester, NY will mark our passing through the Jordan and into the promised land of renewed hope, renewed righteousness and restoration?  Come and be a part of what God will do!  Rochester has been the site of historic revival during the C. G. Finney’s ministry in the mid 1800’s.  Rochester was a vital station on the Underground Railroad and the home of former slave, freedman, abolitionist leader, and Christian, Fredrick Douglass.  It’s time for the church to arise and contend again! It’s our turn now!

Mike Warren and Jerry Crawford, Rescue Rochester


Tentative Schedule for OSA’s States of Refuge Campaign 2013

(Notice: time and events are subject to change)

1) Jackson, Mississippi: We are inching closer to the first abortion Free State. We may need to go back like the minute men of old to help secure this victory. Be ready to move when the call is proclaimed.

2) National Event, July 14-20, 2013,  Rochester, NY: has been chosen for this year’s national event. Mike Warren and Jerry Crawford need our help to break up some strong demonic strongholds. They are praying that our coming will revive the church and the ministry needed to defeat child sacrifice in their communities.

3) Washington DC national call: When the firstfruits of the States of Refuge campaign comes to pass and the Lord secures the first abortion free state, we will give the call to come to Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial for the national unveiling of the Emancipation Proclamtion for the Preborn Child. There may also be a meeting at the Capitol to unveil the scroll of signatures reminiscent of William Wilbeforce unveiling the signatures in Parliament calling for the end of slavery.

4) North Dakota and South Dakota, October: We are planning a regional event sometime in the fall that will cover two of the States of Refuge, North Dakota and South Dakota. North Dakota stands on the verge of passing a personhood amendment. A call to rescue may be in order. The two cities that house the death camps, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Fargo, Noth Dakota are three and a half hours from each other.

5) There may be other opportunites this year, (Wichita, KS) but this covers most of the year. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. God bless you all as we run the race of faith together and trust the Lord to watch over his Word as we proclaim it throughout our nation in Jesus’ name!

This report from the Clarion Ledger in Jackson, Mississippi, is another evidence that, as the Church of Jesus Christ continues to storm the gates of hell, they will not and cannot prevail.  Mississippi is so very close to becoming the first abortion free state in America.  Once the first domino begins to tip they all will come down.

“For the Word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give an account.”  Hebrews 4:12-13.

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
